Everything Goes Wrong

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My apologies that I haven't updated on time, I got a new phone and there were some difficulties setting up Wattpad l. But enough excuses let's get onto the chapter!

Y/l/n stands for your last name

"Your name, its time to get up you'll be late!!" Hermione furiously shook you awake.

It's seem no matter what you tell people about disturbing your sleep they will always wake you from your precious sleep. You got out of bed very slowly,still not fully awake. Hermione opened the nearby window to let the glistening sun shine through. You got changed into your white shirt with a tie,a skirt, and your robes all part of the Hogwarts uniform. Almost forgetting to brush your teeth and your hair you quickly rushed back into the bathroom,to once and for all finish up
to get out the door. Finally Hermione has dragged you out of the common room before you could sneak back into bed to get some peaceful sleep. She honestly knew you too well. The day seem to be going by slower than usual. But when lunch came around you were happy to get a break from working and just have a friendly conversation with your friends and boyfriend. You made your way to the table sitting next to Hermione waiting for Neville to arrive. Fifth year was going to be harder since Neville didn't have any classes with you, not to mention Umbridge is practically taking over the whole school.

"Your name? Have you heard recent gossip?" Hermione asked looking excited.

"You know I don't do gossip Hermione" you said as you reached for your cup of water and started to drink it.

"R-right well I'll tell you anyways! Apparently Draco has grown round of you!!" She practically squealed.

"W-what why would he,doesn't he know I'm in a relationship with Neville..?"

"What about me?" Neville asked. He bloody came out of no where.

He gave you a quick kiss on the nose. And Hermione quickly changed the conversation. But Hermione only seemed to open you eyes after she told you this piece of "gossip" you constantly caught Draco starring at you in class. You didn't have any feelings towards him especially since his aggression with Neville . But if Neville were to found out about this he could self doubt himself, and you didn't like to see him shut himself down when you thought he was the only one for you.

Finally you were done with classes for the day. You walked back with Neville hand in hand to the common room. For awhile you two sat on the couch by the comforting warm fire, he couldn't stop making you laugh he was just being too adorable today like he knew something troubled you. You quickly forgot all about Draco by the time Neville said goodnight.

"Goodnight your name sweet dreams" he pulled you into a passionate kiss, causing your lips to crash into his soft warm lips. Pulling away was the last thing on your mind as he cupped your face but at last you pulled apart.

You slowly walked up to the girls dorm, partially memorized from his amazing kiss. And you probably didn't tell him enough that he was in fact a great kisser. You put on your stripped pajamas and quietly got into bed trying not to wake the other girls. You fell asleep instantly only to wake up at 12:00 p.m.

One person was on your mind. Draco. Charming yet handsome, but also had a devilish smile that crept onto his face when he was up to no good. You found yourself becoming very attracted to him and not a single thing clouded your mind other than him. You needed to see him, even if it was late or breaking a rule you had to.

You got out of bed and made you way out of the common room, trying to be as quiet as possible. Mrs. Norris could be around the corner trying to spot a rule breaking child, but you weren't going to let her get in your way of seeing Draco. After turning down a few halls you came across the abandoned girls bathroom with....... Draco waiting at the entrance.

"It's about time, had a feeling you'd be wanting to seem me y/l/n"

No other words needed to be said. He pulled your waist allowing you to come closer. He crashed his lips onto yours hungrily. Instead of resisting you kissed him back. There you two stood in the middle of a hall practically making out not even thinking if someone were to walk in on you. Until someone did.

Neville stood there with a heartbroken look on his face . He stood there motionless, probably no sure what to do. But you felt nothing towards him, as far as you were concerned you loved Draco. Finally Neville moved towards you grabbing your hand leading you back to your common room. No words were exchanged and you were rather mad he pulled you away from your lover. He was still leading you up to the girls dorm and tucked you back into bed. When he leaned down to kiss your forehead a tear slipped down his face and he lifted his head changing his mind on kissing you.

Crushed Neville went back to the common room and sat down on a chair near the fire looking at the fire in a day dream. While you layed fast asleep in your bed, with not a single idea that you would wake up that morning everything changed and not remember anything form that night.

So Potterheads chapter 2? I tried to make this a cliffhanger but I'm still working on my writing skills. Thanks for reading this chapter hope you and enjoyed and will stick around for the next chapters! Bye! - Tara

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