Whats going...on?

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You finally made it back to your house and you unzipped your purse so you could pull out your key to your house. You slowly opened the door almost like you were scared to see something that could never be unseen. The house was silent all that could be heard was the creaking your door was making as you closed it. It was like you were walking on egg shells waiting for something to go wrong.

"Oh good Honey your back, Dinner was going to get cold!" Your Mum said appearing from behind you out of no where almost giving you a heart attack.

"Oh um....what's to eat?!" You were still hungry, you and Hermione never got to dinner!

"Spaghetti! I'll join you in just one minute!" She mumbled as she headed up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Right..." you whispered to yourself.

You walked into the kitchen to get yourself a drink to go along with your spaghetti. Thank Godric for Dr. Pepper. You walked over to your dinning table and saw your former professor sitting across from you...in your Dads old seat.

He merely stared at you for a moment like he was studying you. You finally broke the silence "um would you like something to drink P-Professor?" You stuttered at the word Professor, what else were you supposed to call him?

"I'll just have whatever refreshment your having please"

You walked back over to the kitchen and opened the fridge and got two more Dr. Peppers, knowing your Mum she would want one too.

You went back to the table and set one down close enough for him to grab. "Thank you"

"No problem..."

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Here is the spaghetti and the garlic toast" she set down the big bowl of spaghetti that had a spoon in it and the plate of garlic toast in the middle of the table so everyone could serve themselves.

"Dig in!" She exclaimed

"Professor"went first at serving himself, then Your Mum and lastly you. This is so awkward you thought to yourself as you stared at your spaghetti swirling it onto your fork. Not a single word was exchanged during the dinner. For once you were glad you were a quick eater.

"May I be excused Mum?" You asked politely. You wanted to escape to your room more than anything right now.

"Of course Honey! Could you be a Dear and get the extra blankets for our guest, don't won't him to get cold!" She avoided your eyes as she said the last part.

He's staying over!? Okay this is weird, you wondered....could they be dating? It's not like you would be mad...... all you wanted was for your Mum to be happy. I'm sure your Dad would want her to be happy too. But still she hasn't confirmed anything yet so maybe you shouldn't be jumping to conclusions? You argued with yourself on this topic while you walked up the stairs going to your room. You flopped on your bed and stared at your bedroom ceiling blankly.

You suddenly got up from your bed and grabbed one of your towels, you need to cool down you said to yourself. And after a nice refreshing shower you got in your stripped pjs getting ready to get cozy and watch a movie. You shuffled around searching your room looking for Disney's Hercules one of your many Disney movies you own. You popped in the disk but your heart froze when you heard noises.

Noises that sounded all too familiar. Noises that came from your crying Mother.

You rushed down the stairs coming to your mothers rescue, all these years you two have been looking out for each other. All these years you looked out for her and she looked out for you.

It was just you and Her against the world.

You followed her cries coming from the living room and saw her balling her eyes out into your "Professor's" shoulder as she sat on the couch. Shocked that she was crying on him you panicked.

You hid behind the wall that separated the kitchen and living room.

"We have to tell her eventually" he whispered.

You got a little burst of confidence coming out from your hiding spot "tell me what?"

They both quickly looked over at you shocked. Your mom unwrapped herself from him and looked over at you with sorrowful eyes.

"A-Are you two seeing each other? B-Because I don't mind I just want you to be happy Mum!" You said going closer to her and reaching for her hand squeezing it tightly.

He looked at your Mum "Its now or never..."

Your Mother stared at y/c/e with her own eyes that has tears streaming down her face. "This man....this wizard is your Father"

Heh. Looks like you'll have to wait...another chapter! Sorry not sorry 😜. Are you guys enjoying my book so far? Hopefully you guys are! So thank you for reading I know it isn't the best Neville x Reader book out there, but all your reads, comments, and votes mean a lot so don't forget to do so! Keep reading and until the next Chapter!! -Tara

Word count 875

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