Becoming best of Friends

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About a month into school Neville and you grew closer and closer as friends. As it turned out you Neville had many of your classes together giving you more time to spend with one another.

"H-Hey your name, wanna go to the greenhouse?" he asked smiling.
"Of course Neville c'mon let's go" you replied while grabbing his hand and leading him out of the castle down to the greenhouse.
You too both shared the love for herbology, to you guys it was peaceful looking after plants. Neville however always tried to compete with you on how many plants you could each name.

     Time flew by and before you knew it you were at home packing for your fourth year at Hogwarts.

"Mom have I got any letters from Neville?"(It's Saturday and that's usually when his mail comes in.)

I haven't checked the mail yet sweetie I'll check" she replied while going downstairs to fetch the mail.She came into your room with a letter in her hand. "Here you are one letter from Neville" she said handing the letter to you. "Say your name, are you and Neville dating?" She asked you with a big smile.

"WHAT??,mom of course we aren't dating, besides you know Neville has been my best friend since the beginning of school, why would you think such a thing?" You asked.
"Well to be honest, he writes to you every week (😏) that's gotta mean something right?" . "Besides I've had some quick conversations with the young man and he seems like a real gentleman....especially for you". She said winking before closing your door.
"Mom!!!" You yelled while blushing.
You have never thought of Neville that way before, but now your own mother has you thinking about your feelings towards Neville Longbottom your best friend in the whole world.

Sorry this Chapter is shorter since it's mostly dialogue. Just to let you ...your mom likes to use the mailbox for mail so that's why an owl doesn't bring you your mail. Plus as of right now you don't have a pet. Any who I hope you enjoyed this chapter.Thanks for reading and please feel free to leave me ideas or suggestions. Thank you again!!! Byeeee!


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