Friendship Is Better

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You quickly turned to Neville "Neville, I've got to go find her!" You exclaimed anger filling you.

"I know go, go find her!" He gave you a nod agreeing with you as you raced down the corridors to find Hermione.

"Hermione?!" You yelled hoping to hear a response back.

You heard some sniffles coming from one room so you opened the door to find Hermione hugging her knees and crying.

"Hermione I'm so sorry....I'm here for you Okay just let me know what I can do to make it better" You tried soothing her by rubbing circles on her back and she looked up at you with big puppy eyes.

"Please, just stay with me." She whispered laying her head on your shoulder.

You let her rest on your shoulder until she was ready to go back to the common room, only downside was that there was a good chance Ron was hanging out there.

You told the painted lady the password and she opened the door allowing you two in. Yelling  filled your ears. What could possibly be happening now?

"What the hell is wrong with you Ron, what was all that?!" Yelled a voice with a familiar accent.

Wait a minute that was your man, yelling at Ron?

"Since when is my life your business Neville?" Ron yelled back.

You escorted Hermione to the couch following the yelling up to the boys dorm.

"You know what your right Ron it isn't my business, but no girl deserves to be treated like that!" Neville spoke quietly now and went down the stairs bumping into you.

"Neville,you didn't have to-" you were cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around you.

"I know I didn't have to, but Hermione's your friend and Ron is my friend-and it was just wrong. I'm sorry it was out of line..."  he scratched the back of his neck feeling a pit of guilt.

You pushed at strand of your hair behind your ear "No Neville, thank you that was brave. Quite honestly if I would have run in to him first I would have beat him to a pulp. I should get back to Hermione, poor thing is heartbroken."

"Okay love, I'll see you later" he placed a kiss on your forehead before exiting the common room.

You walked back over to Hermione and sat next to her on the couch. She sighed and rubbed her temple with her fingers. "

"Hermione I know it hurts right now, but I'm not going to give you a pep talk on it,I'm going to be totally honest with you. Break-ups do suck and it does hurt for a long time. But just take all the time you need to recover there's no need to feel like you have to move on right away. He did do you wrong, but I know it's doesn't shake the feelings you had for him. It's not going to be easy either so, just know I'll be here with you all through it, whatever makes you feel better I'm down to do. Okay?" You did not took a breathe after that whole talk.

"Thanks y/n...I think I'm going to get to bed early" she said whipping her tears away.

"Okay Hermione, ill see you in the morning" you smiled sweetly at her as she walked up the stairs to the girls dorm.

You settled onto the couch more comfortably now that you had it all to yourself and cast a spell allowing your book to appear in your hands so you could finish your book while you waited for Neville, wherever he was.

After a long time you began to get tired and the common room was now empty, you got off the couch and started heading up the stair case when you were suddenly pushed against the wall. A pair of lips harshly attacked yours taking you by surprise and you eyes fluttered open to see Neville. He pinned you hands to the side of your head and started kissing down your neck to your collar bone causing a small moan to slip your lips.

"Bloody hell Neville!" You managed to say as he pulled away from your neck with a cheeky grin "Where did that come from, not that I'm complaining..."

"If there is anything I learned today is that there is no way I could loose you, I just love you so much and I want to tell you that everyday." He strokes a piece of your hair behind your ear this time lightly kissing your forehead.

"I love you so much too Neville" This time you both had wide grins "Goodnight Neville"

"Goodnight Love"

Good gracious it's been too long, I'm so disappointed in myself. I'm trying my best to keep up in school since it's high school now and whatever but I need to figure a way to make more time for my lovely readers too. Sorry for this lousy chapter too...Im going to update Saturday and Sunday so look for those updates coming. Please feel welcome to give me some ideas that you guys wanna see they will gladly be appreciated. So please comment, vote, and keep reading!! Thank you!! - Tara

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