Let the Blushing begin!!!

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As you boarded the train and sat down in your compartment you began to doze off due to the lack of sleep. You were falling into a deep sleep until you heard someone come in.You looked up to see Neville set down his plant as he sat by you.
"Hi your name!" He said with a smile.
"H-Hi Neville..." you trailed off blushing madly already.
If you were already blushing now it could only get worse from here you thought to yourself.
"Are you ill, your slightly red" he asked while placing a hand on your cheek.
You were sure by now that he could literally feel your face heat up from all your blushing.
"I'm not ill Neville..."
"Oh that's good I was worried for you, don't want you to get sick or anything"
On the whole way to Hogwarts you tried to convince yourself that maybe you were just overthinking the whole thing with Neville....but even then you couldn't help look at him in a different perspective. Not only were you acting weird (or should I say weirder) but you were constantly blushing at his replies or jokes. What am I doing you thought to yourself Neville is one of the few I can be myself around, even though I may like him doesn't mean nothing has to change right?
~the next day~
You were in herbolgy with Neville doing some studying on mandrakes to "refresh" your memory of them according to professor Sprout.You were going through the same routine with the mandrakes taking them out of their pot ,putting them into a new one, and adding new soil.Of course Neville was helping you but you had to act like it was no big deal when your hands touched. You've never acted so strange when liking someone before but something about Neville made you shy and flush (flush means blush basically).Your herbology class was finally over so you and Neville cleaned up the mess quickly and started heading for the door.That is until Neville tripped on your robes leaving you two headed for the ground. Neville wrapped his arms around you to try to break the fall for you. Leaving you right on top of Neville. Here comes the blushing again as your realized Neville's arms are tightly wrapped around you.
"N-Neville I think we can get up now"
"I'm so terribly sorry I'm so clumsy" he said while helping you up.
"Thanks for braking my fall Neville"
"It's no problem as long as your not hurt....are you?"
"No I'm fine thanks to you" you said giving him a kind smile.

Alrighty my Potterheads what did you think of this chapter? 😏. Lemme know what your guys ideas or suggestions are and pleeeaasse please leave some comments just for my own sake to know that people are reading this and are some what enjoying it 😅. Anywho thank you guys for reading.....Byeeeeeee!!!!


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