Valetines Day

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Valentine's Day isn't that a big of a deal to you to be perfectly honest. Neville and you didn't need some holiday like Valentine's Day to show each other how much you love one another, because you guys do that daily.

He tells you your gorgeous and that he loves you everyday without fail. He actually never forgets to tell you, and that's what makes it so special for you since he is considerably a forgetful person.

So when you woke up this morning you were excepting most of the girls to be flustered about whether or not their boyfriends or crushes would finally acknowledge them like usual.

You stretched you arms over your head yawning "Morning Mione!" You finally said pulling the covers off.

Hermione was already dressed clutching a red rose to her chess "Morning Y/n". 

"Oooo did you get a secret admirer!?" You asked you extra enthusiasm to micim a over excited girl who is love struck.

"I suppose I did, don't know who it's from though of course."  She said tucking a piece of her behind her ear. 

"Hmm perhaps will just have to do some snooping!" You said laughing "I'm going to go get dressed, don't run off to find your lover without me!

You grabbed some comfy clothes and headed to the bathroom changing. Valentines Day and you'll be hunting down Hermione's secret admire seems like the best way to go about this holiday.

After putting on your clothes you pulled your beanie that Nevilles Gran knit for you over you head giving your head the comfort of warmth.

You walked back into the room and Hermione was still waiting there then the two of you shuffled off to get breakfast.

You sat down fairly close to Neville who was sitting with Dean and Seamus. You two exchanged smiles, then you focused your attention to Hermione an your pancakes before you.

You picked up your fork and started to cut your pancake so you could take quick bites.

"So who are your suspects?" You said after swallowing your first mouthful.

"Well no one really..." she said still fiddling with her rose.

"May I make a suggestion? Perhaps it was Mclaggen? That fool has been making google eyes at your for awhile now."

Her face scrunched up like she was a bit disgusted "Mclaggen? Well, wait! Are you going to go to Slughorn's Valentine party?" She asked practically shouting at you.

"Well I was invited but I think I'll pass this time." You said casually taking a sip of your pumpkin juice.

"No." Hermione said.

"Excuse me?" You questioned.

" I said no. Your not going to pass, your going whether you like it or not." She now has a smile spread across her face knowing you couldn't argue your way out of it.

"Ok, fine. But you do know that slughorn's party is only for dates right? Who are you going to bring?"

Hermione stared around the great hall for a minute and then looked you straight in the eyes. "Mclaggen."

"Ohh boy this should be fun then shouldn't it?"

~Time skip~

Hermione asked Mclaggen to the party and of course he said yes a little too excited. You still had to ask Neville if he even wanted to go.

You found him still hanging out with Dean and Seamus, so you tapped him on the shoulder trying not to be rude and interrupt their conversation.

He turned around to look at you smiling his adorable smile. "Hey love what's up?" He asked.

"Well I was wondering if you would like to go to the Valentine party slughorn is throwing, Hermione wanted me to go but we can't go unless we have dates. It'll be fun I suppose their will be food and dancing, I know how much you love to dance!" You said smiling cheerfully.

"I can't go." He said quickly walking away.

You stood there shocked. Neville actually said no, which is ok but usually he gives expositions when he turns events down. And to say no to a party with dancing?! You actually didn't see that coming. 

You walked back to the Gryffindor common room to tell her Hermione the bad news. She was already all dressed up.

"Hermione I can't go, Neville said he can't go and I can't go without a date" you shrugged.

Hermione frowned for a bit "Why don't you go with Harry just as a friend he doesn't have anyone to go with either and I'm sure Neville wouldn't mind."

"Hmmm I guess that would be okay since we're just going as friends. I'll go ask Harry."

You walked over to the other side of the common room and spotted him sitting with Ron. You tapped his shoulder and Harry turned to look at you with his green eyes. 

"Umm Harry, Hermione told me you wanted to go to the slughorn party but you don't have a date so I was wondering that maybe we could go together as friends?" You sheepishly asked scratching the back of your neck.

"Yeah! That would be great! I'll meet you at the party then?"

"Yep!" You said walking back over to Hermione.

"Alright well I'm going to go get dressed." You said going to the girls dorm to pick out your dress.

It seems like you e been wearing a lot of dresses lately and what makes hat so alarming is that your actually get used to how uncomfortable they are.

You picked out dress that was fairly fancy but not too fancy that would also leave you room to breath. (You can imagine what dress you want to wear, I'm terrible at describing dresses 😅).

The two of you walked to Slughorn's party that was filled with Valentine decorations and couples were dancing and sipping of butter beers.

Harry was already there wearing his dress robes drinking a butter beer himself.

You walked over to him after wishing Hermione a good luck "I'm going to need one of those butter beers as well!" You suddenly spoke up so Harry noticed you.

"Sorry I didn't even see you there. I'll go get one for you." He rushed of to go get you a drink and you laughed to yourself.

He came back trying not spill the warm drink as it was almost filled to the brim. He handed it you "I was only kidding you know I could have gotten it myself. But thanks!"

"It's fine really. So anyways, who did Hermione come with?" He asked one of his eyebrows perched.

"Mclaggen." You said after sipping of your butter beer.

"Of all people, Ron just needs to man up and apologize the git."

"Agreed, but isn't he still dating that girl Lavender?" You questioned trying to send the last time you saw he two together.

"No, she dumped him awhile ago!" Harry protest.

"Then they should really get a move, we both know they love each other. Honestly these two." You said smirking.

"By the way you look lovely" Harry said.

"Thanks, you don't have to be this polite to me Harry we're friends, because I also know you would rather be here with Ginny but that a whole other story is it?" You said laughing.

Harry's reaction only made it more clear as he became a shade of pink. You patted him on the shoulder. Then Seamus came up the two of you and started to whisper something in Harry's the ear.

You were curious but you just kept drinking your butter beer.

Seamus quickly left and then Harry turned to you with a stern face "You need to leave".

Cliffhanger? Yep. Part two shall be out soon! Thanks for reading don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks again for reading!! -Tara

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