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My fellow readers I'm so so so sorry I haven't been writing lately no matter how many times I say I'm going to get better at uploading my chapters it doesn't seem to get done. Life had been a bit of a mess lately (and Ik everyone says this), I just hope you guys could understand I was taking a break so I could be there for my family. Again I'm soooo sorry and I hope you guys can understand, Thank you!!

~On to the chapter~

Monday's. That's all that needs to be said really, the only thing good about school and Mondays is that I get to spend Potions with Neville. Professor Slughorn is the new Potions teacher for the year and he's pretty good at it.

I have to take this class in order to become a vet for Magical Creatures, Neville on the other hand is taking it so he can become an Auror just like his parents. So you could say we're pretty focused on our future.

Slughorn points to a boiling pot "This would be a love potion, to each person it gives off a different scent that attracts them. Now who would like to have a go?"

Hermione steps up to the pot and blush creeps on her face "I smell freshly cut grass and toothpaste." She steps away from the pot looking flustered.

After trying to make one of Sluggorns potions out of the book the bell rings for dinner.

Neville, Hermione and you walk over to the great hall and sit down getting ready to eat. After completely stuffing your face Hermione scurries off to the library leaving you and Neville alone.

Neville then scoots closer to you wrapping his arm around your waist giving you an adorable smirk.

You look up at his eyes "Yes Love what could I do for you?" You ask smiling up at him trying to contain your self from giggling at him.

He starts to chuckle and he grabs your hand pulling you out of your seat and leading you somewhere. After wonder down some halls The room of Requirements door appears and you two walk in.

"Neville you acting goofy, not that I'm complaining but what are you up to?" You ask curiously.

"Can't I tell my girlfriend how much I appreciate her!" He says chucking.

"Your such a dork Neville Long bottom." You say laughing.

"Your the one who loves me" he protest.

"Okay but really Longbottom what are we doing here?"

"Care for a dance?" He says flashing you his goofy smirk.

"Here?! In the room of requirements, with no music? For no special occasion?"

"The occasion is that I love you!" He says kissing your forehead.

"Your such a hopeless romantic"

"Just take my hand and dance with me Y/n!" He say chuckling.

You grab his hand and he twirls you causing you to laugh nervously. You haven't danced since the Yule Ball. Neville on the other hand seems like he has forgotten any of his moves, thank gosh he was leading.

You lean your head on his chest as you guys continue to dance. He rest his head on yours "Hey Neville?" You whisper softly.

"Yes Y/n?"

"Promise me you won't leave me?"


Neville reaches his hand in his pocket fidgeting around for something. He pulls out a ring. You look up at him and he reaches for your hand. He slips the gold ring around your finger.

Your eyes widen and panic sets in "Neville this isn't an engagement ring is it?!"

"No, no it's just a promise ring love" he mumbles something else you don't quite catch.

"I love you, ya big dork!" You say before pulling him in for a kiss.

"I love you too!"

Thanks for reading this chapter! Please feel free to leave suggestions for future chapters I would love to hear them! And don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks again!! Until the next chapter!

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