The Yule Ball Part 2

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The night of the Yule Ball had finally come. Professor Dumbledore gave all the students the whole day off since it was Christmas and everyone would be getting ready for the ball. You were excited but nervous at the same time. Of course Neville was probably ten times more nervous then you. You and a bunch of girls were still in your pjs (because that's what we all do on lazy days) helping each other which your hair. As the time came closer to the Ball everyone started to put on their dresses making sure everything was ready for the spectacular night. Before you got a chance to put on your dress Ginny asked you to go fetch her necklace that she left in the common room since she was already getting into her dress. You went down stairs and grabbed her necklace off of the little coffee table next the sofa when you realized Neville was in the common room too.He was practicing dancing in his pjs and you couldn't help but take into-count how adorable he looked. Though you were surprised he didn't hear you ,so you quietly went back up the stairs smiling to yourself.Once you gave Ginny her necklace you pulled out the dress that you had planned on wearing since Neville asked you to the ball.It was two piece dress that wasn't too reveling and was more your style.

(Here is a pic for an example of what kinda dress I'm talking about)

Once you were done you headed down the stair case the lead down to the main room for the Yule Ball

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Once you were done you headed down the stair case the lead down to the main room for the Yule Ball. Neville's back was turned away from you until Harry tapped his shoulder and pointed to you. Your smile grew while Neville was just staring at you in awe.
"Y-Y....You look beautiful" he said this time speaking confidently.
"Why thank you Neville you look very handsome." You said while he started to blush
"Shall we" he said holding out his hand for yours
"We shall"you said grabbing his hand as he led you to the dance floor.

You and Neville had such a great time dancing. He was actually really good at dancing and was of course  a gentleman the whole night. As you continued to dance you honestly could think of the night going any better. You two finally took a brake from dancing and took a little walk by the black lake. He even held your hand as you two talked about everything and anything and that's what you loved about Neville he was so caring and you felt you could tell him almost anything. You leaned on a tree until a little sprout of mistletoe grew from the tree.
"Marry Christmas your name"
"Marry Christmas Neville"

He gave you the softest kiss on the lips and it was so amazing that you didn't want it to end. Once the kiss did break though You and Neville blushed a bright red.
"Neville I couldn't have asked for a more perfect night"you looked at him with the brightest smile on your face and he looked right back at you with just as big of smile .

Why does Neville have to be so friggin adorable!?! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Please leave your comments or suggestion . Also should I add Neville's POV to this story comment what ya think? Well Thank you so much for reading byeeeee!


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