Bellatrix LeStrange

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You made your way down the halls to get to the Great Hall for breakfast. You walked down the long rivaled to sit next to Neville who was fixing himself a plate of breakfast.

"Good morning Nev!" You say groggily still tying to wake up.

"Good Morning Sweetheart!" He replied back giving you a sweet kiss on your cheek.

You started to load your plate with all the delicious food awaiting for you on the table. Sounds of hooting howls emerged the great hall and right on time all the owls were here with mail. You didn't get anything today but Neville received a newspaper from his Grams.

You started to eat your food and he pulled out the newspaper examining it. He turned pale when he started to read the paper.

"What's the matter Neville?" You set down your fork

There was no response.....he must've been so interested in the paper he wasn't paying attention. You gently place your hand on his shoulder and scoot a bit closer to see what he was reading that was so interesting.

Your insides do flips and you feel sick when you read the headline Mass Brake Out from Azkaban Bellatrix Le Strange escaping. She's the reason Neville's parents are in St.Mungos. Poor Neville who knows what could be going through his head anger, revenge, sadness.

He placed the papers down and he was pale, he looked like he had seen a ghost and you couldn't blame him. She did terrible things to his parents, torching them for information, a fate worse then death with no memory of Neville or their family. So cruel.

You turned Neville by his shoulders so he could look at you and you brought him in for a comforting hug while rubbing his back. He hesitated and slowly started to wrap his arms around you tightly.

The rest of the day Neville was distant he didn't walk you to your classes like he usually did, he didn't sit next to you for lunch or dinner, and as soon all your classes were over he disappeared.

You wondered down many halls,the greenhouse, the common room, astronomy tower, and even The room of requirements searching for him getting a little worried. Then you came across Hermione and Ron being a giggly couple holding hands. "Hey Hermione have you seen Neville by any chance?" You asked her with her a small grin on your face.

"No I haven't sorry y/n" she said automatically turning back to Ron giving him all her attention.

Ron turned back to look at you and you mouthed
If you hurt her I'll end you and you even drew your finger along your neck. He had a scared look plastered on his face and quickly turns back to Hermione.

This boy was making you really worried, maybe he wanted some space but none the less after the Newspaper article he's been acting distant.

You finally gave up feeling defeated that you didn't find him and went back to the common room. You plumped down on the couch by the fire and waited for Neville to get back. You however slowly started to drift in to a deep sleep from watching the flames dance in the fire place.

By the time Neville came into the room you were sound asleep curled into a ball. He took a blanket of one of the chairs and gently tucked you in with it. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and whispered a goodnight, but as he turned to head to the boys dorm you caught his hand and he flinched.

"D-did I wake you up?" He asked you in a whispered tone.

""Neville, I know a lots going through you head right now, do you wanna talk about it?" You asked him as you rubbed your eyes.

He sat next to you and let out a huffy sigh. He pulled a slip of paper from his pocket and handed it to you. You unfolded the slip of paper and saw a big group of people smiling for the photo. He pointed to a couple on the end  and then you recognized them instantly. " My parents" he said with a faint smile on his face.

You studied them and admired them for awhile. You handed the photo back to him "You must miss them"

He grabbed both of your hands and held them with his looking deep into your eyes

"Everyday of my life I miss them. And it's her fault I can't have a relationship with my parents, she's the reason they missed so many things in my life. And she's the reason they'll miss so many things to come in my life, like my wedding , and meeting my wife and future kids. All because of Bellatrix Lestrange."

"I'm so sorry a way I know what you feel-but"

He cut you off " That's where your wrong. Your father is dead he died in a fire. But he wasn't tortured like my parents were, he doesn't suffer like my parents do everyday" he said harshly dropping your hands.

Tears started to from in your eyes, you knew he was hurt but he didn't even let you finish your sentence. He knew you were just as fragile about the topic of your dad and you tried to not let it get to you.

"I know-I know it's not the same t-thing but I just want to let you know that I'm here for you to listen to you,how many times do I have to remind you? You become so distant when your hurt, please just come talk to me! I know I'm not that much of a help when all I can do is comfort you and listen to you but I-I'm here!"

At this point tears were flowing down your checks and you try to wipe them away with your sleeve. You turn to go to your dorm when he grabs your waist from behind and hugs you.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean that..... I'm sorry I'm  useless...." he whispers in you ear.

You turn around and pull him by his tie so he's looking strait into your eyes.

"Neville your not useless! And it's time you started giving your self  more credit! Your brave,strong, sweet, polite, caring, loving, your just soooo much more than you give yourself credit for. Your  parents are probably so proud of you!"

His eyes widen out of shock. Then he startled you when he roughly lifts you off the ground and gives you a warm soft passionate kiss on the lips. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him in closer if that was possible.

You two finally pull apart, curse the need for air.
And he hugs you even tighter " I don't know if I tell you enough, but I love you so much" he says looking lovingly into your eyes.

"I love you so much too"

He laid you back on the couch, but this time you figured he could use the nap. You sat back up and you pulled him down onto the couch laying his head on your lap. You pull the blanket over him and soothingly run your fingers threw his hair to peacefully put him to sleep. After awhile he was out cold sleeping on you, and he looked so darn cute.

"Goodnight Neville" you whisper as you too fall asleep.

Sooo I was wondering am I updating too fast? Or not fast enough? I just wanna hear your guys opinions because everyone has different preferences. Any who thank you all for reading this chapter, comment and vote please and keep on reading! Until the next chapter my Potterheads!!  Bai!!!     -Tara

Word count 1300

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