Visting your Mum prt.2

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Author note: Hi fellow potter heads I'm soooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm not going to bore you with why, but all you need to know is school sucks 👍🏻! Anyhow let's get on with the chapter and I'm sooo sorry again. Enjoyyy!!

You made arrangements for Neville to arrive at your house at 1:30 and currently it was 7:00 am in the morning. You couldn't stop stressing on how the setting of your house had to be absolutely "perfect". You practically cleaned you whole house and in fact you did, your Mum just sat on the couch watching you.

"I haven't cleaned that much in my life, besides it's Neville he isn't going to judge our house." She said as she started to put her feet up on the coffee table and you gently smacked them off.

After a whole lot of cleaning it was 11:30, just enough time to get yourself cleaned up and give one final exception on the house. You hopped in the shower and did all your usual shower routine, once you got out you put on a comfy pair of jeans,a decent shirt, and Neville's sweatshirt that you did in fact steal from him. Then there was that knock on the door.You started zooming down the stairs nearly falling on the way down (because let's face it we're all a little clumsy 😅) and opened the door to see your charming boyfriend at the door. He was wearing a nice flannel shirt, some jeans, and a two beautiful bokehs of flowers.

"Neville I've missed you!!"you give him a gentle hug not wanting to ruin the flowers.

"I've missed you too, I brought flowers for my beautiful girlfriend and her lovely mother." He hands you one bokeh and your mother the other as he walks through the door.

Your Mum is surprisingly very quite, which is very suspicious.

"Mum you ok?" You ask her with a concerned look on your face

"Oh I'm fine dear just to think my little daughter dating!" She wipes a fake tear away and starts laughing to herself. "Now you two can go up to your room while I go prepare dinner, and Neville go easy on her this is her first boyfriend" she winks at Neville and walks off to the kitchen.

Neville stood there red as a tomato. You gave him a goofy smile and took his hand and lead him up to your room. You have to admit you weren't really a "girly girl" not that there is anything wrong with that but it just wasn't you style and you room kinda reflected your own style. You sat on your bed and he sat on a chair near your desk and caught up with each other. Not like a lot has happened since you've seen each other but you guys could talk about anything and everything. You two latter both lay on your bed still talking when he very slowly leaned in. You weren't sure if he was scared or nervous or maybe both but you wanted it too. You decided to be a little brave and started kissing him, this made him feel a little less nervous and he stared to kiss you back. It was your guys first make out session and to be totally honest you loved it. He was so gentle and passionate and he made you feel safe. If only your Mum didn't yell from downstairs.

"Dinner is ready!!!!!!!"

But at last you two both went downstairs to got eat blushing madly and had goofy smirks plastered on your face.

Okayyy thanks for reading this chapter. Please leave any comments or suggestions I'll always listen and keep on reading!
Peace out✌️!

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