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Over the holiday you sadly didn't get see Neville. His Grandma wouldn't let him visit you. She defiantly didn't like you but you didn't think she would go this far. It was tearing you apart that you couldn't see him. All you could do was write to him and wait to see him at Hogwarts. So when the time came to leave for the train you practically dashed out the door not wanting to wait a moment longer.

"Someone's eager to leave" you Mom said laughing.

She drove you to the train station but when she began to get out of the car you told her not to worry about walking you to the train. You two said your goodbyes and then you left off for the train. Carrying y/c/n (your cats name) in one hand and steering your cart with the other you finally made your way to platform 9 and 10. You ran into the wall between the two platforms and saw the train almost getting ready to leave. You quickly rushed onto the train and went down all the ails looking for Neville. Finally you came across someone back facing you who sorta looked like Neville from behind. You knocked on the door.

"Excuse me-" you got cut off.

"Your name! I thought you weren't going to make it for a second, here let me get your things"

Neville took your luggage and placed it on the rack up above. You gently set down your cat and embraced Neville in a hug thougj you now had to stand on your tiptoes.

"Neville,I almost didn't recognize you for a minute there! Your a bit taller!" You said laughing.

You have to admit he did grow a few inches and now thinned out. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, he tucked some of your hair behind your ear and gave you a passionate kiss right on the lips and you could feel him smile into the kiss.

"I've missed you sooooo much Love" he said finally breaking away from the kiss.

"I've missed you too Neville"

"So are fifth year huh? Outta be exciting" you said as you sat next to your boyfriend.

On the whole train ride to Hogwarts you two caught up on what happened over the holiday (or summer). You had forgotten how much an affect Neville had over you. He was talking about herbology but you weren't really paying attention. Instead you were admiring his charming smile, his wonderful accent, the way he held your hand it was all coming back to you. You gave him another quick peck on the lips interrupting him.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" He asked with a goofy smile plastered on his face.

"Just cause I love you"

Well this was a quick lil chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading. Please feel free to comment or vote and keep reading!!! Byeeeee -Tara

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