"The" Anniversary

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You woke up this morning at first preparing for the day. You did your usual morning routine brush your teeth, get dressed, and check your calendar to remember the date. Your heart fell when you read what day it was and quickly got back in bed.You were usually on top of your grades at Hogwarts very smart no doubt about it, but today you didn't feel like having to remember lessons. So why not stay in your bed for the day. You closed your hoping to fall asleep although Hermione gave you a whole lecture.

"Your name, get up it's time to go to class I won't have you skip class and cost Gryffindor any points! You can't stay in bed so get up, understand me get up NOW!"

Although you were still awake there was no way you were getting out of bed to go hear lessons all day. So no matter how many times Hermione pestered, you shrugged it off. Maybe she was right about one thing though, maybe you should get out of bed and get some fresh air.You put on some comfortable clothes and set of to the black lake, by now everyone had to be in their third class of the evening. You walked down to the Black Lake and sat on the sand and started to skip stones to see how far they would go before disappearing out of your sight. This day always pained you and although you felt a little guilty for being a bit selfish you knew it was okay to just take this one day off. Besides your stone skipping across the Black Lake it was fairly quite until you heard someone jogging. You turned to see your boyfriend who noticed you and quickly headed over to you.

(Activate accent! 😂)
Your name, Ive been lookin for you everywhere I was so worried you never skip class. What's the matter?"

You were never one to cry but as this sudden moment you couldn't contain all your emotions. You but burst into tears. Neville quickly came to your aid as he starting hugging you really tight like he was trying to hold together your broken pieces. You tightly hugged him back and cried on his shoulder.

"Please tell me what's the matter? I hate to see you so upset...."

"T-Today is "the" anniversary of my fathers death h-he has been gone f-for ten years" your words came out of a stutter due to your crying.

Neville asked no more questions knowing that asking more questions usually makes it worse. Though he did blame himself for not knowing your father passed away and he hated that he wasn't there for you at the start of the day. He only held on to you tighter because he didn't care about anything else that moment not even the fact that he would probably get a detention for skipping class, or Professor Snapes class to be more specific .Right now all that mattered was you and your being. He took you back to the the Gryffindor common room hand in hand and even escorted you up to the girls tower (though all boys were prohibited from there) to your bed. He was going to let you have some tpeace and quite so he started to walk away until you stopped him.

"N-Neville please stay with me?"

He gave you a soft hearted smile as he climbed into bed with you, his arms wrapped around you and your hands intertwined. He kissed your forehead and you became more relaxed as you two both started to drift into sleep. When all classes were over Ginny and Hermione came up to the girls tower and were shocked to see Neville laying asleep with you cuddling. Hermione usually being the concerned person she is for "breaking rules" she herself didn't even make a fuss she just told Ginny they should let you guys be. And you and Neville laid there still in the same position you fell asleep only you had no worries in your mind.

Well that sums up this chapter. Lemme know whatcha guys thought about this chapter or leave any chapter suggestions that you would like to see in the future. Also do you guys want me to leave how many words there are in each chapter because I'm open to any ideas.Thanks for reading!!! Peace out ✌️!

- Tara

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