The Yule ball

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The next morning you sat next to Neville during breakfast giving him a warm smile.Hermione on the other hand was keeping a close on on Ron making sure he didn't touch his food and focused on his book she picked out for him.Literally out of no where George and Fred scooted closer to you.
"Sooo are you two dating or what!?" They said in unison.
Neville nearly choked on his orange juice. "E-Excuse me?" He asked.
"No we aren't dating........yet" you said winking at Neville causing him to blush.
~time skip to Professor Mcgonagall's class~

"If this is a transfiguration class then why is a record player siting before us?" Asked Hermione curiously.

As if on cue professor Mcgonagall finally came into the class room with a record in her hand. "Now students I'll have you know it's a tradition of Hogwarts to hold a Yule Ball." " We might as well teach you all how to properly dance so no one makes a fool of themselves, and yes boys this is considered a dance that EVERYONE has to participate in."
Almost all the boys started to complain .Then she asked Ron of all people to help her demonstrate how to properly dance. Of course all the boys started making a big deal out it with whistling and such.

It was the end of your last class and you walked to your common room with Hermione and Ginny.As soon as you entered the common room  they immediately starting talkin about the Ball and who was going with who.

"Well as it turns out Victor Krum has asked me to be his date to the Yule Ball..." said Hermione with a small smile on her face.
"Oh really is that so, what did you say?" You asked
"Why I said yes though I was hoping Ron would ask me first"
"Aww what a shame" you said

You guys were interrupted by a slight sound of ringing of a faint bell.
"What the Godric is that?" You asked as you started to listen for where the bell was coming from.

Suddenly a little kitten walked out with its stubby legs and a little bell collar around its neck with a note attached to it. It walked up towards you and you picked up the kitten very gentle reading the note from it's collar.

Your name, would you do me the honor of being my date to the Yule Ball? 

"Well who's it from!?" Asked Ginny practically jumping in joy.
"It doesn't say" you replied

Neville then walked into the common room. "W-Well will you do the honor of being my wonderful date?" He asked with an anxious look on his face while waiting for your response.

"Neville! Of course I'll be your date you sweetheart!" You said with a excited smile. "But how did you know I wanted a pet?"
"Well I knew you didn't have a pet so well I figured I'll get you a pet just as cute as you" he said blushing a bright red
"Neville I simply love it! "You said kissing him on the cheek causing him to blush a darker red.

 "But how did you know I wanted a pet?" "Well I knew you didn't have a pet so well I figured I'll get you a pet just as cute as you" he said blushing a bright red"Neville I simply love it! "You said kissing him on the cheek causing him to blush a ...

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Here is a picture of your new kitty kat!! Comment on what you guys want to name it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter thank you so much for reading. Please keep reading byyeee!

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