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That night you quickly shuffled into bed after getting into your pajamas trying to be quite. But you noticed that Hermione wasn't sleeping she was simply laying in her bed wide awake staring at the ceiling.

You felt guilty, of course it wasn't your fault but Hermione just got her heart broken into a million little pieces. You drifted asleep not knowing whether she had finally went to bed.

Now being Saturday you were going to sleep your day away before Monday cam to ruin it all, but of course someone else's had plans for you two.

"Y/n! Get up!!" Hermione said throwing something at you.

Instead of yelling at her you decided to just listen to her for once. You opened your eyes and picked up the thing she threw at you. What the bloody hell were you going to do with a black dress!!

"Hey, Hermione what am I supposed to do with this...?" You asked confused maybe you were still dreaming.

"We're going out!" She said sternly and you started to notice that she too was wearing at risky black dress with her done up.

"Out? Out where?"

"We're going clubbing!"

You nearly shocked on your own salvia. You and Hermione Ganger were going to go clubbing?!

"W-We are?" Concern now in your voice.

I'm too young for this you thought to yourself and I have a sweet boyfriend, yet you also have a heart broken friend.

"Yes we are! Now get dressed and don't argue!!"

You quickly shuffled to the bathroom to get dressed with your prepared outfit. Once you got it on you got a better look at it. It was a very short all black dress that had one long sleeve shoulder, and the other shoulder was a spaghetti strap.

You walked back into the dorms were Hermione was waiting to curl your hair. After that the two off you waltzed down the stairs to the common room area. Everyone was down there chatting with their friends, still in their pjs. 

Harry who was sitting in a chair facing you two, saw you guys and his jaw dropped on the floor. He quickly tapped Neville whispering.  

Neville turned around with a smile on his face "Good Morning Sweatheart-". His eyes went big and he went a shade of pink.

Hermione continued to walk outside the common room "I'll wait for you outside" she said.

"Right" you nodded.

"Y/n, you l-look gorgeous...but may I ask why your so dressed up on a Saturday , I would've assumed you'd still be sleeping" he said scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, apparently Hermione and I are going clubbing." You said calmly.

Neville wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer "You, going clubbing when you have a boyfriend right here for you." He said with concern written all over his face.

"Love I wouldn't be going if it wasn't for Hermione, I'm just trying to make sure she's okay. And even so it's not like I'm going to be doing anything." You said smiling at him.

"Alright.... I suppose your just going for Hermione."

"Yep. For Hermione! Your so cute when your jealous!" You said teasingly while kissing him goodbye.

"I am not jealous!!" He yelled while you exited the common room.

"Took you long enough" Hermione said interlocking her arm in yours.

"Sorry bout that" you said apologetically.

"Ok aporate us."


Since you were the oldest you had to aporate. As you two disappear from Hogwarts and appear on a bright green field.

"Bloody hell Y/n this is not a club!" She yelled obviously frustrated.

You sat down and pat the spot next to you "Your right Hermione this isn't a club, because we aren't going clubbing."

She let out a sigh and sat down beside you taking out her her from its place and running her hand through her hair. She stared at her hands for a moment and then teas started to form in her eyes.

"I know Hermione, I Know let it out." You said soothingly rubbing her back.

~Thirty minutes of Hermione crying later~

"Ready to go back?"


Once you guys were back at Hogwarts you changed into some sweats. Hermione decided to go to the library to do some reading and just by that action you knew she was going to be ok.

You flopped on the couch with Neville and he wrapped his arms around you cuddling into you.

"So how did clubbing go? No one laid their paws on you right?" 

A small smirk came on to your face but you stayed silent.

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