Date Night!

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After two more days of staying at Neville's your Mums letter arrives by an owl surprisingly enough. She must have borrowed Remus- Dad's.....owl.

You open Neville's bedroom window and invite the owl inside. It lands on his desk and you walk over to retrieve the letter from its beak. You get some owl treats out of your suitcase and give one to the owl as a token of speciation and it gladly takes it and fly's our the window.

You close the window and start to open the letter. You unfold the piece of printer paper she used and started to read the letter when two arms wrap around your waist. Neville plops his head down on your shoulder.

"Your Mum replied, wonderful" he says cheerfully starting to read the letter himself.

Dear y/n I miss you so much even though it's only been a few days. I know your safe and sound with Neville and your welcome to stay as long as you need to, that is if it's okay with his Grandmother. I know we have things to talk about, and that you have questions and we'll be waiting at home for you to answer them all in person. When you do come back, let Neville know he is more than welcome to come back with you. We owe him a lot for looking out for you. Just keep in mind there are "supplies" in the bathroom if he does decides to come home with you. Be safe. And do try not to be too loud! Hope to see you soon sweetie!

Love Mum

Your jaw is nearly hitting the floor when you read the last few sentences. How could she just say it so casually and then end the letter off like that!!! You turn around to see Neville blushing and his eyebrow are furrowed.

"I uh I-I" is all he can stutter out.

A smirk slips onto your face " What do you say Neville, wannna come to my house?"

"I-I mean yea-yea but......"

You start to giggle. He's just to adorable for his own good. You wink at home and walk out his room to join his Grams and you can hear him whisper a "bloody hell".

After a good 3 hour drive back to your house you pull into your house drive way. This time Neville gets out of the car with you helping you with your suitcase.

You walk up to the door and pull out the your keys again fumbling with each one to find your house key and then inserting into the lock and unlocking the door.

You look over at Neville and he seems really nervous so you give him a comforting smile before you open the door to your house.

"Mum I'm home....with Neville..." you entered the house and Neville sets aside your belongings. Your Mum comes running towards you her arms spread out and she practically knocks you over.

"I've missed you sooooo much!" She squeals

"I've missed you too Mum. I'm sorry again for-for leaving I know it was irresponsible." Guilt takes over and you feel pretty bad for leaving.

"Sweetie don't worry about I understood that you needed time to think. That's perfectly fine as long as you were some where safe." Your Mums smiles brightens when she sees Neville and goes over to give him a hug. "Neville so glad you came!! Speaking of being safe I've already told y/n "supplies" are in the bathroom upstairs don't forget to use them!" She says giggling like a little girl who is on a sugar comma.

Neville's face turns bright red and he throws his hands up shaking his head in a "no" moves.

"Mum!" You shout in a laughing tone.

"I'm just making sure!! Im going to go make lunch!" She then leans closer to Neville and whispers "I didn't know what size to I got some of each!!" She then runs if I the kitchen giggling like mad.

All though she was whispering you heard her loud and clear. "I'm so sorry she embarrassed you" you say scratching the back of your neck. Neville just gives you a small smile but he is still as bright red as ever.

You lead him up to the extra room in the house and get him settled in . But if Nevilles using the guest room that means Remus is going to be.....sleeping in your Mums bed? I wonder if they are like dating?

"Hey Nev, I'm just going to go down stairs and check up on things. Your welcome to use the shower or just relax, I'll be right back." You kiss him on the cheek and he nods and grabs one of the clean towels you laid it for him.

You walk downstairs into the kitchen to see your mother stirring something in a big pot frantically. You sneak up behind her to see what she's cooking and it looks like tomato soup.

"Hey Mum!" You say cheerfully.

You can tell you startled her because she holds up the spoon she was mixing for defense.

"Oh, it's just you what's up sweetie?" She says as she put the spoon back in the pot and begins stirring again.

"I know it's weird to ask but, um are you and Remus- I means Dad dating?"

"Umm well it's complicated Honey, I've always liked Remus I just don't think right now is the time to date him. I've always felt guilty for liking him when I knew your, well father loved me. I just I don't know..." she stammers.

"Hmm...well where is he anyways?" You question peaking around the door frame to the living room to see if he's there.

"Well he should be getting back from errands any moment now." She says checking her watch.

This is bold, but your Mum deserves it.

"Go on a date with him when he gets back. You two can go to a fancy brunch or something !" A small smile spread across your face waiting for her answer.

"I couldn't, Aunt Scarlet is dropping off Charlotte soon as well."

Aunt Scarlet was your Mums sister and Charlotte was your baby cousin.

"First off you didn't tell me they were coming. Second of all I'll stay here and watch her, she'll be fine!"

Your Mum turns and gives you a suspicious look "Are you sure you just don't want alone time with your Longbottom lover?"

"Gross Mum! We would dare......with Charlotte in the house!" You blush and look down at the floor. You pretty much just admitted you do it if your baby cousin wouldn't be there. Ugh.

"Mhmmm. Well I guess it couldn't hurt, as long as it's okay with Neville. Poor kid thought he was going to strike out today m, instead he gets to babysit." She said with a wicked smile on her face.

You rolled her eyes at her comment.

"I'll ask Remus when he gets here if he even wants to go. Now go upstairs and keep your guest entertained!" She said laughing and wiggling her eyebrows at you.

Why has she been so repetitive with those dirty hints and jokes you don't know. All that you know is she's going to be happy and that makes you happy.

So tell me....what do guys think of the new cover and title? hahalove69 came up with the title so shout out to her thanks again for the idea!! Should I choose a younger picture of him maybe....? Idk. Any who thanks for reading this chapter hope you enjoyed it! Do t forget to vote, comment, leave suggestions they are all appreciated!! Till the next update!    -Tara

Word Count 1292

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