Please Don't Let Go

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  Neville's POV.

Only a few days left until me and Y/n go back to Hogwarts for our 6th year. It's incredible how time flys by so fast, it only seems like yesterday when I used to be a goofball that was a failure at anything and who fell hopelessly in love with his best friend.

And now here she is before me looking gorgeous as ever. She never seems to not take my breath away, and quite honestly if she didn't stop anytime soon I won't be able to breathe. She's wearing casual some black jeans that are overalls slightly ripped with a green shirt underneath and her usual white converse.

I asked her to come over to my house one more time before schools starts and I just opened the door to see her beautiful smile.

"Hey Y/n, I've missed you like crazy!" I said pulling her into the house and embracing her in a tight hug.

"I've missed you too dork!" She says giggling and my eyebrows knit together from the new nick name.

"Really dork? You- you couldn't have picked anything more m-manly?" I ask sheepishly with a grin plastered on my face.

"Whatever you" she says laughing while walking into my living room.

That's what I get for saying something.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Grams.

"Y/n Dear good to see you again." My Grams says with a small smile on her face.

Meanwhile I'm speechless, did I miss something?
Y/n goes towards her arms spread open and wraps them around my Grams who does the same. I defiantly missed something.

"Good to see you too Mrs.Longbottom!"

She then makes her way back to me and entwines her small little hand in mine. "So what shall we do do today?"  She ask smiling up at me with her y/e/c eyes gleaming.

I scratch the back of my neck with the other hand "Well I was thinking we could just take a little walk to the park...nothing fancy. But we could do something else if you want!"

"Actually the park sounds lovely!" She smiles up at me squeezing my hand gently.

"Great, will be back later Grams"

I grab my jacket of the racket and put it on closing the door behind me. I wrap my arm around her waist and we have a silent yet peaceful walk to the park.

She finally breaks the silence "I can't believe we are already going to be at Hogwarts for our sixth year. It's going by a little to fast if you ask me, but at least I get to spend the remains years with you" 

My heart melts at her words and I can't help the smile that's forming on my face. It seems whenever I'm with I can never just stop smiling.

"Me too, there is no Hogwarts without you Y/n"

We reach the park and walk out to the bright green field speckled with tiny little flowers. I sit down and pat the spot next to me but instead she lays on the way down on the grass looking up at the blue sky. I mimic her taking the spot next to her.

"Neville?" She asks quietly.

"Yes, Love?"

"I have a really bad feeling about this year."

I turn to look her in the eyes and hold her cheek.
"What makes you say that?" Concern lacing the rough my voice.

"I don't know I just have a bad feeling in my stomach. Somethings going to go wrong.....and I just I don't want to loose you."

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you I swear my life on it. And besides I'll be beside you the whole year love so you have nothing g to worry about" I comfort her by sitting up and pulling her into my lap.


"Yes Y/n?"

"I love you" she says scooting closer into my chess.

No matter how many times she says those three words they always leave me with butterflies in my stomach.

"I love you too." I play with the ends of her hair and she closes her eyes relaxing and enjoying the fresh air.

I start to pull some of the baby flowers out of the grass and intertwining the together making her a little flower crown. I set it on her and she smiles.

"What did you put on my head?"She asks curiously raising one of her eyebrows.

"A flower crown..." I say sheepishly.

"Oh....okay. Why?"

"Because you are my princess." I say laughing a bit of embarrassment.

A wide smile slips onto her face "You really are my dork."

"You bet I am. C'mon we should get back to the hours Grams is probably wait g for us to eat with her." I turn around and suddenly I fell her arms wrap around my waist.

I turn and hug back and she cuddles into the hug. After awhile I got to pull away but she hugs be tighter. "Please don't let go....just a little longer." She whispers.

So I don't let go and I never plan to.

Gosh I haven't updated for a little my time and I feel so guilty!! I'm not even going to try to say it was high school and all....even though it was....but any who!! Sorry this isn't the best chapter I just really wanted to update and Ive been sick for the past week as well. Vote, comment, and thank you for reading!!! Till the next chapter!!! -Tara

Word count 935

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