Getting sorted in your house

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As all the first years made their up to The Great Hall you stayed behind the croud getting a little nervous. Although EVERYONE  was chatting about what house they wanted to be in.
"I wonder what house im going to be in.." you thought to yourself. As a professor greeted all the students by the doors everyone started to hush their coneversations.

"Greetings first year students, my name is professor Mcgonagall. I would like all of you to wait her patiently while we prepare for you to be sorted into your houses."

Once she went back into the doors everyone started chatting again...though it wasn't long till the doors swished open for everyone to come in. You walked behind the line off students going in. As you came to a hault you could here professor Mcgonagall speak again.

"Let the sorting begin!"

A few students later and professor Mcgonagall called your name.She placed the sorting hat on your head as the sorting hat began to think out loud.

"Hmmm, interesting plenty of courage i see.Outta be............Gryffindor!!!!

You were happy but shocked.Your father was in Hufflepuff so you firgured you would be sorted there, but as it turns out you were a Gryfindor!!The Gryfindor table started applauding. You sat down at the very end by yourself since you were still kinda shy. Professor Mcgonagall started to speak again.

"Next is Neville Longbottom."
Everyone snickered a bit hearing his last name.But ofcourse you instantly recognized him from the robe fitting store.

Sorting hat- "Ahh a Longbottom let's see where I shall  put you........outta be Gryffindor!!!!
Gryffindor cheered once more as another student came to their table. He went to the back of the table like you and sorta looked at you for a moment.
"H-Hey...aren't you that girl from the robe shop..?" he said starting to blush.

"Yeah that's me, the girl from the robe shop" you said laughing a little.

"My name is Neville Longbottom, nice to meet you" he said while putting put his hand.

"Nice to meet you too. My name is first and last name" you replied with a nice smile,shacking his hand.

Okay so that about sums up this chapter. Thank you guys for reading and feel free to lemme know of any suggestions or ideas. Also im sorry about the whole "housing" arrangements but i just picked Gryffindor since it's one of the houses that studies herbolgy.Anywho thanks again, byeeee!!!


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