Road Trip prt.2

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*After the World Cup quiditch game*

The whole gang and you walked back to your tent after the eventful game.

"Victor Krum is more than an athlete, he's and artist!" Ron said admirably staring of into a distance.

Everyone was laughing at Ron who just went on and on about Victor as if he was in love with the guy. Once you arrived to the tent everyone got ready for bed. As you were brushing your teeth Ginny came up to you.

"Your name, do you mind if you sleep with someone else....I hate to be rude but as it I have to share a room with George and Fred, the bloody idiots didn't get enough rooms for everyone.....and w-we'll they have to sleep on the floor...."

After spitting out some toothpaste you finally answered "Ginny it's fine don't worry about I'll figure out something" you gave her a kind smile and went to find Neville.

You walked into Neville's room.

"Hey, Neville would you mind if I sleep in here,Ginny's room is too crowded...?"

He blushed a bit a scratched the back of his neck.

"Ofcourse Love. The thing is i w-we'll I sleep in my boxers...."

You both started to blush, although you've seen him in his boxers to you always grew a little embarrassed if you saw each other in undergarments.

"Umm well it's okay... I'll just be sleeping on the couch anyways." You say sheepishly.

"Your name, I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch, your sleeping in the bed!" He said with a smile.

"Thanks Nev, I'm just going to change into my pjs I'll be back"

You went back to the bathroom where you kept your bag. After putting on a comfy crop top and some shorts since it was quite hot. When you entered Neville's room he was in the middle of taking of his pants, and well he saw you, you must have startled him because he fell over.

"Ouch! I'm okay, I'm am defiantly ok!" He said as he quickly got up.

You couldn't help but laugh at your clumsy boyfriend, you found his clumsiness very cute. He started to turn red as he proceeded to take his pants and shirt off. Once you climbed in bed Neville also got on the couch. Only you could tell he wasn't comfortable, yet he still dozed off. You got up from bed and lightly shook Neville.

"Neville, just lay down with me for goodness sake" you took his hand and pulled him towards the bed.

"Goodnight Love" he whispered

"Goodnight Neville" at that moment you dozed off.

When the morning came along you woke up to the sound of giggling. A bit alarmed you opened your eyes to see Neville was also waking up. Ginny, Fred, and George were all giggling like maniacs.

"Guys What are you giggling about...?"

You finally truly woke up and realized why they were giggling like fools. You in between Neville's legs (mind you He is only wearing boxers) with his arms wrapped around you, as you laid his head on his chest. Both you and Neville started blushing.

"Very good Ginny we succeeded!" Shouted George.

"W-what are you talking about?" Neville said with a confused look.

"Do we have to do everything in this relationship? We knew you two wouldn't sleep in the same bed unless something happened!" Said Fred  with a goofy smile.

"Mission accomplished!" Ginny said starting to laugh again.

Well that wraps up this chapter my fellow Potterheads! Thanks for reading please leave me any suggestions or comments! Keep reading. Peace out -Tara

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