An old friend

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I made this collage myself let me know if you guys would like to see some more like it!!

Another week had passed by since your Dad picked out your Mums ring. It's absolutely beautiful. It's not too fancy, but not too simple either. The only reason why that aren't engaged already is because your Dad has been contemplating the right way to purpose. He wanted it to be magical and special for your Mum, even though you tried to convince him it would be magical for her anyway he purposes to her.

Your Father was pacing back and forth in front of you, concentrating real hard. His eyes scanned the ring over and over again like the ring was going to talk to him and tell him how to propose. And then he would start again pacing back and forth back and forth.

"Dad!" You yelled at him causing him to break out of his routine and sit next to you.

"Im going to go crazy if I don't find a perfect way soon." He said rubbing his temples with his hand.

You laid a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him. But you two were interrupted when someone aporated on the catch on the other side of you.

"Hey Neville!" You say cheerfully turning to him giving him a hug.

"Hey love!" He said Kissing the top of your head. He looks over and notices Remus "Hello Mr. Lupin!"

"Hello Neville, nice to see you again." Your Dad responds before getting up and starting to pace...again.

Neville leans over to your ear "What's the matter with your dad?"

"Well he's trying to think of the most perfect way to purpose to my Mum" You say with a smile small plastered on your face.

Neville's eyes widen a bit and he gives you a big toothy grin that makes your heart ache. "Thats wonderful, I mean not that he can't find the perfect way how. But he's going to propose!!" Neville says with enthusiasm wrapping his arms around you waist.

"I am right here Neville, watch yourself around my daughter." Remus says sternly shooting daggers at Neville.

Neville heats up in the face and his arms loosen around you.

"Be nice Dad. It's not like you don't know Neville. " you pull Neville's arms back around you cuddling into his chest.

Then his eyes flicker with joy "I've got it!! I know the perfect way to purpose!! Am I'm going to do it right now!!" He yells with a devilish grin on his face.

"B-But Mums working right now!" You argue

"Trust me I've got this all under control. Just leave it to me!! I'll have to drive to her work, Neville I hope I can trust you to be alone with my daughter" he says looking Neville strait in the eyes.

Neville blushes and scratches the back of his neck "of-of course Mr. Lupin"

"Right well then I'll be off!" Your father says walking out the door and grabbing the keys along the way.

No longer than 2 minutes passed by until it stared to rain hard. Lighting flashes could be seen through the closed curtains and the thunder echoed throughout the house. It was rally chilly in the house as well so you decided to pull your some comfy knitted blankets for you and Neville. The only thing that could make this more cozy was a movie and some warm delicious butter beer.

"Shall I make up some butter beer Neville?" You ask slipping into the kitchen and started to pull out ingredients knowing he was going to say yes.

"That would be perfect love! Need any help?" He asked resting his head on your shoulder watching you pour some milk into a bowl.

"No thanks Nev, why don't you pick out a movie while I fix the butter beer?"

Loving Neville Longbottom Where stories live. Discover now