Movie Night (the aftermath)

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A/N: For you non-Potterheads out there this scene should help you understand who these people are quoting.

Watching The Philosopher's Stone

Bakugou: Wingardium Leviosa! Wingardium Leviosa!

Kirishima: (sassy Hermione impression) You're going to take someone's eye out, besides, you're saying it wrong.

Sarcastic: It's LeviOsa, not LevioSA.

Iwaizumi: This is injustice!

Yurio: That blonde idiot's the one at fault.

Oikawa: I would hate to be compared to a self-obsessed, stuck up boy like that. I'm way nicer.

Iwaizumi: *gives the are you sure? look to Oikawa*

Yaku: Then again, Ron did just insult her right after.

Semi: Poor, misunderstood, little girl. Hermione Granger, don't worry you will grow up fabulous.

Sarcastic: You got that right. *high-fives Semi*

Lights go out suddenly minutes later


Aomine: Guys what happened to the lights in the court?

Akashi: The scoreboard stopped working too.

Murasakibara: Not to mention the vending machine.

*in the distance*: 🎵Kiss kiss fall in love🎵

Sarcastic: *glares in the direction of ballroom* The Host Club, they got out.

Midorima: Told you Capricorns would have bad luck today.

Kuroko: Midorima I don't think now's the time to talk about that.

Denki: I'll go check the electrical room and see what's going on.

Sarcastic: Good idea, Denki. Mina I need you and Yurio to assist Denki.

Mina and Yurio: Right. *leaves with Denki*

Oikawa: I think I know what's going on here.

Iwaizumi: Asskawa you bastard how dare you ruin movie night. *hits Oikawa with a popcorn bucket*

Semi: You know, now that I think about it, Oikawa is right, I feel like someone's missing. I also know that it's not Kuroko, he's right next to Akashi.

Sarcastic: Let's do a roll call.

Several names later

Sarcastic: Midorima, Kise and Aomine, that should be all of them.

Aomine and Midorima: Here!

Yaku: Wait a sec, where's Kise?

Semi: He must've been the one to free the hosts. I can't believe that jerk can use magic.

Midorima: Now that I think about it, he did run off earlier saying he'd go make himself a snack or two but didn't come back.

Sarcastic: Everyone, get your wands. It's time for the Battle of the Underworld.

Sero: Was that a reference? No, wait stupid question of course it is.

Palace Ballroom

Tamaki: (in a Sebastian Michaelis outfit) Why hello ladies. How are you enjoying the party?

Lady 1: It's absolutely divine-

Tamaki: -but not as divine as you, m'lady.

Kise: Wow! I've never even thought of becoming a host before and look at me now.

Tamaki: We should really get Renge here to assess your character the next time we throw a party.

Aomine: *bursts through the doors* You traitor. *points wand at Kise* Come on in everyone.

Narrator-chan: Aomine steps aside to reveal glaring Harry Potter fans ( aka Sarcastic and friends) with wands ready to destroy a certain Host Club and basketball player. Long story short, Immobulus was used multiple times as well as Repairo to take care of the damage done.

Sarcastic: Um, Narrator-chan, where's the part about you know what?

Narrator-chan: Oh yeah right. The Host Club was sent to the dungeons along with Kise to reflect on their actions after being cursed using Tarantallegra (makes the victim dance like crazy). After that, movie night continued on after Denki agreed to lose his sanity for a bit.


Cameron: Sarcastic, everyone we're ba-

Bridget: Cam, what happened?

Aria: How did they even....

Obi: Why is this surprising again?

Michele: Those idiots flirting with my sister aren't trashing the place? That's great and all but how?

Aria: Wait, I hear the Host Club and what appears to be Kise sobbing, whining and panting.

Bridget: Might as well check it out.

Narrator-chan: Bridget sees the dancing boys and starts laughing.

Bridget: I am a great influence.

Cameron: Oh gosh, she's brutal.


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