A nice little visit

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Ft. yanavg and MaxeneJaime  bc y not also they call me Lea soooo

Yana: So Max, any plans for today?

Maxene: Not much, summer's here and I've got nothing to do. (I know it isn't summer but hey, my book)

Yana: If only there was something interesting to do around he—

Lea: (Yes that is my name) *pops out of portal in the ceiling* Heyyyyy, great timing! I've got friends coming over and I think you guys should come too. *pulls Maxene and Yana into portal*

Palace of The Underworld

Kenma: I hope Sarcastic gets back. Yaku might actually die here.

Kindaichi: You think Iwaizumi's got it any easier?

Iwaizumi: Geez, when are the hero kids gonna come over and help me out here. Hey, Shittykawa get back here!

Shoto: *walks in* Hey, Sarcastic here yet? She wanted me to get snow cones for the guests.

Oikawa: Oh look, there she is!

Iwaizumi: What took you so damn long?

Lea: *sticks the landing from the portal* Hello guys! I brought the guests. *looks up* Hang on guys. They should drop in any minute now.

Yana: *falls down, hard* Lea you have got to be kidding me. Next time, get a mat prepared.

Maxene: *starts falling*

Shoto: *creates an ice slide* Wow that was close.

Yana: Oh come the hell on! Why couldn't you save me?

Kenma: Eh, maybe he didn't notice you were falling. Happens to me a lot.

Yana: *rubs eyes* NO WAY! You're Kozume Kenma! I am your biggest fan. *hugs Kenma* 

Maxene: Oh my goodness I just got saved by Todoroki Shoto. *faints*

Lea:  Max-max! *looks around* Yana!

Kuroo: She kinda fainted when people agreed to sign her Ipad case.

Tenya: Well what are you guys standing around for? Yaomomo, CPR.

Iwaizumi: I don't think we need—

Yaomomo: CLEAR *zaps Yana and Maxene*

Kirishima: *walks in with Bakugou and Denki* Hey~, wait what the hell?


Maxene: What.......happened?

Shoto: Yaoyozoru and Tenya may have overreacted a little.

Denki: *bursts out laughing* A little? Ha! Try a LOT.

Lea: Yana, Max, you girls alright?

Maxene: I am. Now, I heard someone talking about snow cones.

Yana: I smell cookies.

Cameron: *walks in* I brought pastries for ' Yana and Maxene. I even brought the quirk serum.

Yana: Wait we can get quirks? What kind?

Cameron: Well, I baked the quirk serum into these specialized cookies labeled just for you. *hands cookies to Max and Yana*

Two cookies later

Yana: Woah! *shoots out sugar bullets* I didn't know I could make sugar into bullets.

Lea: The thing is, you can make the sugar you eat into an object. Like how your bullets are made of sugar and not metal.

Maxene: *singing whip my hair* *whips her hair around* My hair is deadly now, thanks Lea! Now it can be as long as I want.

Kindaichi: Hey, while those two are amazed and all, we should check out the buffet.

Iwaizumi: Good point.

Kenma: I'm in, I guess.

Bakugou: Does she have those exploding candy things?

Kirishima: You mean pop rocks? How do you not know?

Bakugou: Shut up, hair-for-brains! *mini explosions*

Kuroo: Sarcastic's probably gonna join in too so we should go ahead.

Lea: *sees the guys eating all the food* Guys no!

Maxene: Oh come on! You guys didn't even leave anything for Lea, Yana and I.

Lea: Nahhh. I teleported food into my mouth while you weren't looking.

Yana: *forms a gun from sugar* Everybody hands up!

Kenma: Good grief let me escape alive.

Shoto: I'll make a wall of ice. You guys get outta here.

Maxene: On no you don't not after eating my food. *hair grows like crazy* Let's get dance.

Shoto: I'll make the barricade. Yaoyozoru, Tenya, get the quirkless guys outta here.

Oikawa: No need to tell us that! We'll see you guys later byeeee. *runs out the door*

Maxene: *hair hurricane* Kyaaaaaa *charges towards Shoto* Take that. *also tries to get Lea*

Lea: Oh my goodness gracious woman chill!



Bakugo: Sarcastic these friends of yours are both insane! Shitty bastards. *explodes sugar debris*

Kaminari: Shit. Damn you stupid hair!

Lots of fighting later

Lea: Momo, tranquilizer please. Tenya, bait.

Yaoyozoru: *makes tranquilizer* Heads up Kirishima! *tosses gun to Kirishima*

Tenya: You got it! *runs around* *kicks Yana*

Yana: Hey! *launches sugar grenade* Get back he— *gets tranquilized*

Kirishima: Score!

Shoto: Oh thank goodness. *melts sugar grenade*

Lea: Max, geez Cameron's gonna bake more cookies. I've been trying to tell you this whole time.

Maxene: Oh hell na. We started this fight. We're gonna finish thi— *gets tranquilized*

Bakugo: Finally. That hair crazy bitch shut up

Denki: That hair made it hard as heck to hit her with the darts.

Lea: You got more people than just Yana and Max. Yaomomo and Tenya are knocked out for the time being.

Oikawa: I-is it safe to come out yet?

Iwaizumi: Sarcastic, remind me to remind you to never do that again.

Lea: Noted. *teleports the girls back home*

Kenma: Do me a favor and keep the fangirl a safe distance.

Shoto: Don't invite me when inter dimensional guests are coming over.

Lea: Yeah yeah whatever got it. Now, let's go clean up.


Well I had fun. Sorry Yana and Max. Had to knock you guys out. Twice. Also next week I'll be posting some more chatroom scenarios.

Welp anyways until next time,
Adiós amigos

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