Party Supply Shopping ft. Mom Squad

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Iida: Sarcastic, hurry up. Wouldn't want to miss our train.

Sarcastic: Yeah yeah whatever floats your boat, Iida.

Iwaizumi: Remind me why we're doing this again?

Semi: Sarcastic wants to get ready for some party thing.

Akaashi: Then wouldn't it be safer to just buy online?

Iwaizumi: *super scary face* Incendio! *burns up the nearest computer*

Suga: *grabs Akaashi's shoulders* We never discuss the evil known as online shopping. (Sorry but experience has destroyed my online shopping life)

Sarcastic: Alright, let's go!

At the stores

Semi: Why do you need a crystal ball? I thought you sucked at Divination?

Sarcastic: You'll see when the party is underway.

Iwaizumi: Pasta? What on earth?

Suga: We have tomatoes in the garden, Sarcástic.

Sarcastic: Oh ok. How are we going with the decorations?

Yaku: We got our teams plus the UA kids to take care of that.

Semi: How many plushies do you plan on buying? Can't you just use your magic and alchemy and all that?

Sarcastic: I would. But, Bridget might have my head if I didn't do everything fairly like normal residents of the Underworld.

Iwaizumi: Since when were you so nice?

Sarcastic: Since I learned I accidentally made her more powerful than me. Oh shiitakes. Magic, do your thing. *points at 4th wall* Pretend nothing happened here. *slams the 4th wall door shut telepathically.

Suga: Why on earth do we meed musical instruments? Can't we just hire someone?

Sarcastic: Those are for our guests.

Akaashi: Sarcástic, exactly how many people are coming to your party?

Sarcastic: I'm not sure. Some people are a bit iffy.

Semi: You bake? Why do you even need this much ingredients? Just buy cake mix.

Sarcastic: Guys, we're in charge of buying things for our guests. I'll explain when I introduce them to you.

Later at the cash register

Sarcástic: Welp, there goes my payday. As well as the next few ones for the coming months.

Iida: You really need to ask for a raise whatever your job is.

Semi: So, how do you plan on bringing all this home? I know you like train rides but we aren't carrying this home.

Yaku: She's obviously going to teleport. However, her drawback seems to be teleporting large or huge quantities of objects.

Iida: I think it would be wise to make those portal thingies inside of objects.

Semi: Do you mean a portkey?

Sarcastic: Portkeys don't work on items. They're for people.

Iida: OF COURSE! How could I forget!

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