Reactions: The Umbrella Academy

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Ok so I'm doing this thing where I let the characters here react to basically anything. Today it will be The Umbrella Academy which I've lived off of for the past few days. First up will be Haikyuu characters and Obi reacting. Also, spoilers so be warned.

Hope y'all enjoy!


Sarcastic: Wait seriously? No way!

Iwaizumi: We need to get the others in on this.

Sarcastic: *warps in the room Five style* Hey assholes! (I have no regrets quoting this) Also, get your asses to the cinema room now. We have a show to binge guys.

Kageyama: I swear it's going to be filled with gymnastics,or cheerleading, or science or— *gets slapped on the back of the head* Hey!

Suga: Child! Be more respectful. Besides, not all her shows are like that. I mean what about the Phineas and Ferb? How about Genius: Pablo Picasso?

At the cinema room

While watching.......

Lev: WOAAAHHHHH! Luther is a giant. He's strong too. He's like a slightly downgraded version of me. After all, I'm one of the best.

Yaku: *bursts out laughing* Y-you? The best? As if.

Nishinoya: Diego is so cool! So precise. Could he use those powers in volleyball? *eats more popcorn*

Tanaka: Not gonna lie, Allison is hot. Wait, stop this Ryu. You are loyal to Kiyoko.

Sarcastic: Five is literally me. Ability wise, at least. I will admit I do like coffee. (Yes, condemn me but Math is fine by me) Personality? Maybe Five too, with a bit more chill.

Semi: Sadly, I think I'm Ben stuck with Klaus over here. *gestures to Tendou*

Tendou: Who's Klaus then? I bet he's a real nut job. Hmmmmmmmmmm

Everyone in the room: *facepalms*

Daichi: Poor Pogo. Even worse, poor mom. Or Grace. I honestly don't know.

Shinji: I have no idea how on earth she'd be named Cha-Cha.

Hinata: Maybe her parents liked dancing.

Kageyama: Baka! *hits Hinata* You do not question this show.

Hinata: Why not, Bakageyama? *glares*

Sarcastic: *warps between the two* Shhhhhhh. Shut the hell up. Your interruption is an insult to Gerard Way.

Kenma: *spits out coffee* Wait, he wrote the comics? THE Gerard Way? Welcome to the black parade and all? *glares at anyone talking* Respect Gerard Way you fools.

Akaashi: This is amazing.

Semi: I might cry. I'm seeing the adaptation of the work of a genius.

Tendou: *leans over to Bokuto and Kuroo* Y'know, for once we might be the normal ones.

Bokuto and Kuroo: *nod*

Kuroo: Wait, haven't we always been the normal ones?

Bokuto: Touchè.

Kyoutani: Remind me why I'm here. It's boring.

Yahaba: Shut up. I saw your face when she mentioned MCR.


Aomine: Where's Sarcastic? She never misses the chance to condition.

Akashi: Don't look at me. She still hasn't talked to me from that one time I stole her fries.

Kise: *dramatic entrance complete with roses and Host Club soundtrack* Sorry I'm late I just had some tea with the—

Murasakibara: *eating Pocky* Yeah, yeah whatever let's get this over with. Jamie Oliver isn't gonna watch itself.

Back at the cinema room.......

Oikawa: Who the heck falls in love with a mannequin? Then he names it Delores? Five seriously needs help.

Iwaizumi: *whispers* Says the guy who fell for his own reflection.

Makki: True.

Mattsun: Are you sure it's only his reflection? I mean, what if we gave him a poster of himself?

Iwaizumi: We need to get on that after the show.

Bokuto: Akaaashhiiiiii! Vanya is awesomeee! I wish I could use her sound abilities like that.

Akaashi: *sighs* You already have a deafeningly strong voice so there's that, Bokuto-San.

Bokuto: *hugs Akaashi* Awwwwww— *gets hit by popcorn* What the hell? Tetsuro what gives?

Kuroo: *smirking* Shhh. You'll interrupt the best part.

Suga: We really should've invited Akashi. Doesn't he like violin?

Daichi: Not too sure. Vanya's playing reminds me of Kao— mwwwmmmffff

Obi: *removes his hand from Daichi's mouth* We do not speak of *tearing up* You know what never mind. I'll just get more refills on popcorn.

When they finish season 1

Lev: What do you mean there's only one season? I need morrreeeeeee.

Sarcastic: Tell me about it. I just need to pray that it won't be another AOT situation again.

Obi: Pfft. Nah, the Netflix people should know that this deserves a season 2.

Tendou: Guys who tf is Klaus? I swear Semi keeps muttering about someone being a real life, very high Klaus.

Everyone: How does he not know? *facepalms*

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