Redemption ft. Yana, Max and Hollie

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Dedicated to yanavg and MaxeneJaime

Bc I love these girls and they also want part 2

Also, they'll call me Sarcastic this time yey

Kenma: *drops PSP* Wait you what?

Sarcastic: Hey! It was Hollie's plan. *points at Hollie*

Hollie: Well maybe you shouldn't have given me demon abilities. *eats chicken*

Shoto: Wow. I guess we owe the other 2 an apology.

Sarcastic: Awwww, thanks for being so understanding—

Iwaizumi: *picks Sarcastic up by the hood* Well, I guess we have a score to settle then.

Oikawa: Finally! Revenge after you ruined my hair when they went here!

Hollie: *quietly trying to sneak away* Hehehe esca—

Murasakibara: Where are you going?

Hagakure: Aaaaand *puts quirk deactivation anklet on Hollie* done.

Hollie: Sarcastic this was a terrible idea get us out.


Yana: *filled up a bath tub with tears* Sarcastic and Hollie are *sniff* so *chokes* crueeell. *continues stress watching anime*

Max: Yana, chill. Once Kenma knows it wasn't your fault, you will be A OK. I already know Yamaguchi forgives you because he's too precious for this world.

Sarcastic: *busts in the door* NEVER FEAR FOR I AM HERE (*cough* All Might *cough*)

Yana: Sarcastic? *sees Sarcastic's smile* Ohhh no no ple— *gets teleported*

Max: Nani?! Sarcastic— *also gets teleported*

Hollie: *over an earpiece* The decoys worked. Makeover time.

Short stacks house (there's a chapter for that called Short Stack Squad)

Sarcastic: *teleports into the house* So, Hollie and I got outfits for you. *teleports Hollie next to her*

Hollie: Ladies, take your pick. We are going out to dinner.

To make it up to you 2, pick whatever you like. Heck, twin with each other if you want.

 Heck, twin with each other if you want

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