Some fresh blood (not the gory kind)

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Sarcastic: Kyaaaaaaa!

Tamaki: Holy— Sarcastic it's very rude to interrupt tea time.

Sero: Damn right!

Kirishima: How unmanly of you.

Haruhi: Y'know, Sarcastic's a she.

Sarcastic: Yeah! Anyways, some new friends are coming over. We needed some fresh blood in here.

Yuuri: *faints*

Viktor: Yuuri? I don't think she means actual gory blood.

Killua: *walks in the doorway* Dear mercy hurry up you old man!

Leorio: How dare you! I'm very young, you should be ashamed.

Gon: Well, Killua isn't wrong, so to speak.

Kurapika: Guys I swear if you don't stop I might just bring her right— oh crap they're right there.

*awkward silence*

Sarcastic: Oh! Well, everyone I would like you to meet Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika. Y'know, Hunters, really skilled people. A hero of sorts.

Izuku: Wait, you're heroes? *pulls out hero notebook*

Bokuto: No way! He's one of us. *pointing to Gon*

Gon: I'm what now?

Kuroo: Ohohoho, looks like we found someone else who has hair that's styled with zero gravity. Technically he must use some special gel that can resist gravity's—

Yaku: Shut up already Kuroo we don't have time for this.

Bridget: *walks in* Oh hey new people. Just came to drop off some chocolate cake for the new guys. I made lots so you better share.

Killua: *sparkly eyes* Cake? Ooooh Sarcastic could I have some?

Zushi: Oh my goodness I am soooo late sorry everyone! *bows*

Host Club and heroes: Damn he is precious. Protect this karate kid.

Sarcastic: It's all good, Zushi. Now, since we're all here. I guess now would be the appropriate time to eat some cake. After that we can all head to the arena for some fights because why not.

Killua: *already walking off with a huge slice of cake* What? I like cake.

Sarcastic: Hang on. *dials on phone* Obi, get your lazy self over here. I need a ref for the matches going on today.

Obi: Yeah yeah calm down I'll be there.

After eating, Palace Arena/ Training Grounds

Sarcastic: Ok. So Gon is up first and is up against *flips through notebook* Izuku.

Izuku: Woah! I get to really experience battling a Hunter. This will be a great learning experience. (Ok, you know this is what Izuku would think bc he's too friendly and precious)

Gon: Hmmmm, he looks quite muscular. Hopefully my speed can handle this.

Spectators: It's the battle of the cinnamon rolls!

Obi: Ok, the match is a 3 minute match where you can't kill your opponent or permanently disfigure them. In other words, let's keep this family friendly, ok? Also, winner is by knockout, the opponent is knocked outside of bounds or the opponent gives up. Now, fight begin! *runs off the arena thingy*

Anime Shenanigans ft. SarcasticWhere stories live. Discover now