Skating Shenanigans

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Yuri: Come on Sarcastic, I promise we'll be there to help you.

Sarcastic: Alright fine, you better teach me how to skate.

Viktor: Don't worry, I even got Yurio to help you.

JJ: Skating lessons? I've got ya covered. King JJ can help you become the greatest female skater around 'cause you're doing it *cue JJ pose* JJ STYLE!

Yurio: Don't listen to him, Sarcastic. That shithead is insane.

Phichit: Hello guys! Where's my new student?

Sarcastic: Phichit, you must be the hamster-obsessed one, right?


Yuuri: Sorry Phichit, couldn't resist.

Christophe: So, where is the lovely young maiden? I hear she's positively gorgeous. Maybe I should take her put for a drink sometime.

Mila and Sara: *beat the shit out of Chris* Stay far away from her, Chris. Don't mess with her precious head.

Sarcastic: *One for All 5% punch to the gut* I need to thank Deku later for teaching me this stuff. FYI Mr. Pedophile I haven't even finished school so please back off.

Yuuri: Guys how about we just teach her to skate.

Otabek: Yurio, I brought piroshki from the kitchen and a first aid kit for Sarcastic.

Sarcastic: Thank goodness, some of you are still sane. Thanks by the way, Ota.

3 hours later

Sarcastic: I landed an axle woohoo! *single loop*

Yuuri and Viktor: Great job! We knew you could do it.

Sara and Mila: *cheer squad be like*

Michele: *scolding Sara because of her cheer skirt*

JJ and Christophe: *were kicked out ages ago for being awful influences to the poor child*

Yurio: *giving out surprisingly constructive criticism, then continuing on to rub in her mistakes*

Otabek: Yurio, go easy on her please.

Phichit: (on his instagram) *insert vid of me skating here* Look at my beautifully trained apprentice! She's doing so well. Can't wait to come back and help refine her skills. #figureskating #firstlesson *insert more #s here*

Sarcastic: *getting off the rink* Phew, glad I landed those jumps and got the spins right.

Yurio: Y'know, your single loop was pretty good. Your left leg was a bit unstable, a pretty pathetic mistake to be honest.

Otabek: I think he means to say that you did good for your first lesson from us.

Phichit: Great job Sarcastic. Smile for the camera.  *pulls put selfie stick and takes a photo with Sarcastic* That is so going on Insta.

Sarcastic: Oooooh don't forget to tag me.

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