Movie Night

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Aria: I said, you guys need a babysitter bacause Yaku, Suga and Iwaizumi won't be able to handle you guys.

Sarcastic: What do you mean by that? We're not that bad. Plus, I'm 99.99% sure the Host Club is coming with you guys anyway to talk to the ladies.

Tamaki: Well, you're not wrong there.

Ares: *pinches nose bridge* That takes care of them. Still, I'm afraid Bakugou, Akashi and Sarcastic might fight because they're competing over something stupid or maybe Lev gets a little too excited.

Bridget: No, the Host Club stays. I can't trust those idiots. Murasakibara is probably gonna raid the pantry, Kuroko's gonna go missing because no one notices him.

Cameron: Midorima's going to get some lucky item or whatever and Aomine is, well, actually normal.

Aomine: Thanks bro. *fist bumps Cameron*

Midorima: I already have today's lucky item. A stuffed owl. *holds up Sarcastic's owl plushie*

Sarcastic: *blasts Midorima with Bakugou's explosions* KEEP YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF MY OWL.

Midorima: Oh no, was the owl not good enough? Oh well.

Yurio: Why am I not coming with you?

Ares: You're underage, Yurio.

Yurio: Idiots. I'll be calling my grandpa if you need me.

Cass: Most importantly, I already know the Host Club might try throwing a party. You should also know that Sarcastic, Bakugou, Denki, Sero and Kirishima are gonna suggest sparring and there will be no blood tonight, you here me?

Aria: The Kise is also gonna have way too much fun messing around with the hosts.

Yaku: Don't worry, however, we'll only agree to look after the UA students-

Iwaizumi: -Sarcastic, Yurio

Suga: and of course, the basketball players.

Honey: Wh-why not us? *tearing up*

Iwaizumi: Because you Host Club boys are worse than Trashykawa.

Oikawa: *crashes through the door* Awwww Iwa-chan, thank you. *gets slapped*

Sarcastic: You know what, Crappykawa can stay provided he doesn't mess anything up.

Oikawa: *salutes* Yes ma'am Sarcastic-chan.

Suga: I guess you guys should go now. Have a good time.

Aria: Well, I guess the team moms have it covered. We better get going. Bye!

Tamaki: All right everyone! No one say a word until I'm done here. Lev, Aomine, Murasakibara and Midorima, help set up for the party. Bakugou, I need you for the fireworks later. Sero and Kaminari, put on these costumes. *throws tuxedos* Sarcastic and Mina, you will be in charge of entertaining the guys who come to this party. Now, any questions? One at a time please.

Mina: Hell no! I'm going on a movie marathon. *pulls off sweater to reveal Harry Potter shirt and takes out wand* Sarcastic, I need some assistance.

Everyone except Host Club: *pulls out wand* IMMOBULUS

A/N: Hell yeah I got those wands in here

Sarcastic: Quick! Use obliviate on all of them and throw them into the dungeons.

UA students: *locks up the Host Club*
Haruhi: Hey, where're the guys?

Kirishima: The dungeons, if you free them Bakugou won't hesitate to kill you.

Haruhi: Ok then, I'll be leaving now then.

Sarcastic: Bye then. *turns around* To the cinema you guys.


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