Truth or Dare (Yuri on Ice) Part 1

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So, we're just gonna say that Sarcastic basically is a living space stone and can mimic animal's abilities, real animal or not

Viktor: *grand entrance into dining hall* Yuuri, Sarcastic, Yurio, Otabek  may I have your attention please.

Yurio: Ughhhh. Tch. What do you want now?

Viktor: Cristophe has invited us all to a party at his villa in Switzerland. It'll be in a few days so hurry up.

Sarcastic: *gets up from the table* Welp, thank goodness I can do this. *snaps fingers* (Not the Thanos snap I swear) *catches bag*

Bridget: *Shouting from the Sarcastic's room* DID YOU SERIOUSLY HAVE TO USE YOUR QUIRK?

Yuuri: *gulps* Better pack before Bridget kills us all. *runs out the room*

At Christophe's villa

Mila: *rings doorbell for the nth time* Giacometti open this door or I swear—

Christophe: *slams door open * Good good good, you all came! I've got a great selection of wines to choose from so help yourse— *sees Sarcastic* Oh shit. I forgot you can't have alcohol. Hehehe. Maybe grape juice would be better.

After dinner

Yurio: Well, what do we do now?

Minami: I know! Let's play truth or dare!

Sarcastic: Ok. Cool.

Yuuri: I-I d-don't know If that's such a good idea.

Michele: This doesn't seem safe.

Sara: Oh shut up. It'll be fi~ne.

Otabek: I suppose we keep this child-friendly. If not then I'm going out on a bike ride.

Christophe: Fine, I'll start. Yuuri, truth or dare?

Yuuri: Ohhhh nooo. I see that evil nope nopity nope nope. Truth

Christophe: Well aren't you a boring one. Well then, is it true that you faked being sick once to eat more katsudon hmmmmmmmm?

Yuuri: Oh thank goodness—

Christophe: I'm totally kidding! What I really want to know is, when was the last time you got drunk? Tell me aaallll the juicy details.

Yuuri: Ummmmm, I haven't gotten drunk in a while now, hehehe........

Sarcastic: Shut up Yuuri. We all know you were drunk last Friday when we went to that bar. You even sang karaoke. Trust me, it was ear piercing.

Leo: I have no clue as to what is more shocking. The fact that Yuuri got so drunk he sang karaoke, or the fact that Sarcastic was at a bar.

Guanghong: *eats chocolate bar* Well, maybe Sarcastic's just kidding.

Phichit: *walks in* So sorry I'm late. Got a bit caught up at the souvenir store. I overheard. Yes, Yuuri did sing karaoke drunk and Sarcastic practically snuck in.

Everyone in the room: What, the actual fuck?

Yuuri: Ok you know what. Sarcastic, truth or dare?

Sarcastic: Dare me your worst, Katsuki. Dare me your worst. *insert demon eyes here*

Yuuri: Ummm, uhhhhhh— I da—

Viktor: I dare you to drink some of this wine here. *holds up bottle*

Yuuri: Viktor no. She's underage.

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