Host Club Hijinks

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Hikaru: You look great!

Kaoru: Now, for the make-up. Honey, Mori, hold her down.

Honey: Alright Usa Chan, let's help Sarcastic get ready for the party.

Kyoya: Come on Sarcastic, we had a deal remember?


Aomine: Heads up Sarcastic. *throws ball*

Sarcastic: *runs to ball* I got it I got I go— *trips* Oh come fucking on.

Murasakibara: *catches basketball* No, I got it. *smirking*

Sarcastic: *punches hole in the next room over* Not, cool bitch.

Obi: *runs in with plaster* You need to stop doing that.

Kyoya: *sighs* There goes your portrait, Tamaki.

Tamaki: Hey! For ruining my portrait, you need to serve us for an afternoon at the host club. *cue wind and roses*

Akashi: Boys, let's get outta here before we get caught.

Sarcastic: *sees GoM sneaking out* NOOOO YOU SHITHEADS DON'T LEAVE ME *gets dragged away* Oh wait I can use the quirk Bri gave me like before.

Kyoya: *chuckling* Silly girl, some girl named Hatsume Mei gave us some weird bracelets for the occasion. *puts on bracelets*

End of Flashback

Sarcastic: Are you kidding me? It was more like you enslaved me!

30 minutes later

Random guy 1: So, what's a little girl like you doing as a ummmm hostess?

Sarcastic: I was dragged into this.

Random guy 2: *whispers* Hey, sorry about earlier.

Sarcastic: What the fucking hell is this asshole talking about?

Akashi: *takes out contacts* Shh, it's us. *points to Satsuki*

Satsuki: *taps Tamaki's shoulders* Um, Tamaki-kun, I'm gonna go over there and hang out with my friend and the little girl.

Tamaki: *sighs* Leaving so soon, m'lady? Oh well, I definitely can't stop you.

Satsuki: OBI NOW!

Obi: Hello. *walks in* Hop on.

Sarcastic: *climbs on Obi's back* Onwards, soldiers.

Obi, Satsuki and Akashi: *runs to Hell's Gate*

Palace of the Underworld

Bridget: So, did you guys get her back?

Obi: Yeah she's right *turns around* Shit.

Cameron: Hey guys! Where's Sarcastic?

Akashi: I swear it's that blonde runt and his servant.

Back at the Host Club

Murasakibara: Why are we here again?

Kise: We're the backup in case Akashi's plan doesn't work.

Sarcastic: Hello everyone! I will be your hostess for today. Yay~ (note the immense sarcasm) Wait guys is that you?

Kuroko: Well Sarcastic, we're gonna get you out. The portal should be under this table.

Aomine: We should get going so I don't have to wear this stupid wig. *ducks under table*

Sarcastic: Brilliant!

Crowd: *looks at Sarcastic*

Kyoya: Sarcastic, what's with you? You should act more proper. *walks away*

Midorima: I'll take one of these teacups for luck today.

Sarcastic: Yeah, yeah whatever let's just go. *ducks into portal*

Later that afternoon

Haruhi: Hello boys, what's with Tamaki?

Kyoya: Well, we can't get revenge on Sarcastic for ruining his portrait because we can't access Hell.

Hikaru: Woah, Kyoya is too evil even for Hell.

Haruhi: Nah, she told me everything earlier. She just banned you guys.

Tamaki: Wait a minute! Haruhi can sneak us in.

Haruhi: I would love to help Senpai, but Cass cooks some great stuff. Learned from some dude named Soma.

Tamaki: *to the emo corner*



So, have any of you seen Hamilton? Probs gonna have the guys react to it.

Anyways, until next time

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