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30 chapters in. 5K+ reads. 600 votes. This story has come such a long way ('ω') Thank you all 💜💜💜💜💜 😭

And also, SORRY Y'ALL. This chapter had to happen. I don't call the shots anymore ¯\_()_/¯

WARNING: Do you really need one?

Violet's horrendous RL blind date was immediately forgotten the moment she stepped into a frenzied warehouse rave in the virtual world of her "newest" favourite game. The stuck-up chartered accountant, who had sleazy vacations in Thailand and spontaneous dates in Bali, was instantly eclipsed by the sly, gray-eyed fox guiding her through the bustling crowd splattered in a rainbow of blindingly radiant neon paint. The RL world that Violet merely tolerated was swept away by the frenetic vitality of the spectacular party scene punch drunk on hypnotic dance music and deep sea hues of ultraviolet.

Returning to the world of Lovers: Boarding School overshadowed the disappointment and hollow ambiguity of her world bent on trouncing fantasy and wonder with cold laws and indifferent physics.

In RL, Violet wouldn't have easily snuck out of her boarding school to explore the vast, virtual playground at her feet. In RL, Violet wouldn't have experienced the technicolor wilderness glazing liquid neon colours over her body like drizzling monsoon rains. In RL, Violet wouldn't have had the devil clad in a black leather jacket wrap his arms around her and bruise her lips to the deafening synth churning the sea of roaring NPCs to music.

In the virtual world, Violet could have it all.

But a man with tortoiseshell glasses and eyes like emeralds flecked with gold reminded her that pleasure was not without its price.

How much that price was, Violet did not know.

And she didn't want to know.


If there was one thing that Violet was grateful for, it was the fact that Gin had no apparent ex-girlfriends. Ex-girlfriends of bad boys in games tended to be over-obsessive, fanatical harpies devoted to the re-attainment of their once coveted position by--or underneath--the bad boy boyfriend who, in most cases, treated these exes as subhuman pieces of shit. Vengeful characters like these worried Violet to a certain degree as she anticipated their appearance in the game during her peachy journey through Gin's route. So it was with great relief to her that her flowering relationship with Gin didn't attract a locust storm of jealous, and maybe even murderous, exes.

However, Violet was never without her concerns.

The memory of hers and Mr. Reinhart's coded conversation was still singed into her consciousness and she constantly analyzed the innocent "How are yous" and "I'm fines" in the message feed of her phone. His promise to look out for her--or whatever it was he was trying to convey to her that time--didn't make her feel any more safer. Rather, it darkened her already concerning outlook for the game's possible "endings".

"Are you enjoying yourself Love?"

Swaying in a sea of clamorous NPCs and neon paint, Violet and Gin were in each other's arms, tired from their sporadic hail storms of passionate kisses and dance sequences. Fatigued but content, Violet clutched Gin a little tighter and burrowed her face a little deeper into Gin's neck.

"I am. I really am," she said. "I love it here."

She wanted to be lost in this sea of blue and neon with him, but her fleeting moment with Gin plummeted to the sea when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

Lovers: Boarding SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now