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When she opened her eyes, she found that she was in the back of an old car. She glanced outside and found that it was raining, the raindrops obscuring the evergreen forest that walled the car from both sides.

"We'll be at the academy shortly Ms. Leigh," said the driver as the pavement soon gave way to a gravel road.

-Violet- chose to name her avatar "Violet Leigh" which was close enough to her actual name in RL (real life). Looking at the car window's reflection, she also remarked that her avatar's appearance was close to her RL appearance as well, aside from the cartoonishly doe-like eyes and her mildly exaggerated breasts. It was that kind of game after all.

Violet looked down to view her sizable chest and noticed that she was wearing a stereotypical school uniform complete with a black blazer, knee-highs, a crimped skirt, and a purple and black neck bow. "It's cute," she mumbled. But I've seen better.

"We're here!" said the elderly man with glee. Violet tilted her head to see more of the "academy" from where she sat and gasped.

Impressive, thought Violet. Before her was a tall, Gothic style building with slender, stained glass windows that seem to loom over a carousel-sized fountain that was planted in the middle of massive field. The field was cut into four quarters by sleek black granite side walks that stretched from either side of the field like a black cross. The academy itself was surrounded by a wall that was twice her height and crowned with spiky, floral barbs that were perfect for placing decapitated heads on.

The academy's walls were further guarded by a gargantuan forest and the gloomy gray bricks of the academy's buildings were covered in a mossy green foliage that seemed to devour the building.

"Welcome to the Amantes Mortem Academy!"

Violet rolled her eyes. Is that his only job?

The car drove around the fountain and parked by what Violet presumed was the front entrance.

Oh well, Violet thought, At least's it's better than waking up to an annoying alarm clock and getting dragged to a butt-fuckingly cliche high school right after.

Before Violet could open the car door herself, what appeared to be a tall man wearing the school's uniform opened the door for her and peeked inside the car.

"Hey!" said a deep, bright voice. "Long time, no see Vivi."

Violet blinked in shock. In front of her was probably the best looking dating game character she'd ever seen. The man--or rather--the boy was the perfect balance of boyish charm and rugged manliness. Reddish brown hair cascaded, curled, and twisted perfectly to accentuate his slender but well defined face. His narrow jawline and smooth thin lips were surely gifted to him by Michelangelo but his golden caramel eyes had a playful spark in them that she couldn't help but find endearing.

"H-Hi," Violet said as she took the extended hand of the boy. She noticed that his hands were long and slender like a pianist's but when she grasped his hand she felt the rough callouses of its palm.

The boy pulled Violet up from the car and Violet immediately grasped at how tall he was.

"Wow, you're really tall," she blurted out. Violet looked up at the boy and figured that he had a good head and a half over her.

"I know," he said while flashing his perfectly white teeth with a smile. "Puberty hit me like a bus."

Then in a blink of an eye, Violet was caught in the tight embrace of the boy, his arms coiled around her and his face nuzzled in her hair. In that moment, Violet had to admit that her RL heart skipped a beat.

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