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When you think it couldn't get any worse...

*requires edits*

EDIT: My explanation for my long absence is in the A/N below. It's pretty personal so you can choose to ignore it. Apologies in advance. 

How many hours has it been?

Did I eat?

Am I still dreaming?

Violet's eyes slowly inched open, the sight of a cracked gray wall seizing her vision. She'd familiarized herself with this wall for...she didn't know how long; she'd lost of track of time the moment she'd burrowed herself under Gin's bed sheets and claimed Gin's bed as her final resting spot. 

What had happened between the time Gin discovered her in that bathroom and her wallowing in his room was nothing short of chaotic. After Gin brought her to his room and properly gave her the medical attention she so desperately required, Gin quietly dropped the bomb on her and told Violet that Jack was in a coma. More upset than she already was, Violet started to blame herself for Jack's suicide attempt. She began crazily ranting over how her carelessness, her indecisiveness, and infidelity drove Jack to jump from the roof of the school, and she couldn't forgive herself for being the perpetrator of all those humanly things.

"It's all my fault!" she cried, her sobbing renewed. "I did this! I'm the one who deserves to die! Not him!"

Her words struck a nerve in Gin and they were soon embroiled in an argument.

"If you want to kill the one to blame," Gin shouted to Violet, "then kill me!"

Violet obviously didn't want to sacrifice Gin to save herself from the guilt eating away at her soul, so she retreated to Gin's bed and had barely moved from it since.

Gin learned his lesson and was at Violet's side at all times, even though the once affectionate couple was experiencing a cold spell due to their earlier argument. On his desk, fiddling with one of three of his phones, Gin was keeping himself busy texting, reading, and watching unknown content on his phones with a stern face. He spoke of nothing about what he was doing since she'd fled to his bed--a far cry of the earlier promises of transparency he swore to her like a preacher--but Violet couldn't muster a care.

She was tired. But she didn't want to be alone.

Since that incident in the bathroom, Violet couldn't bear to be alone by herself. With her wrist still throbbing from the memory of that incident inside the washroom, Violet feared the possibility of something worse happening the next time she was left isolated. Having her trust in herself brutally consecrated, Violet couldn't even feel safe escaping to the real world knowing that there was no one there to keep tabs on her like Gin was in this world. And it wasn't like the material realm was a safer alternative; Viola still had to face the ever present threat of danger she'd unknowingly signed onto when she first entered the game.

You're in a game. Jack's not real. And Gin can't save you, a familiar voice called  to her. Why are you like this? You're taking this way too seriously.

Annoyed by the voice, Violet covered her ears with the heels of her palms.

Just act like the stupid school girl you wanted to be. You wanted to be young and reckless again, didn't you?

I'm not a stupid school girl, Violet argued in her head, and like hell I'd go to fucking 'class' and act like nothing happened.

She didn't know if it had anything to do with Gin or her playing through Gin's route, but the usual aspects of boarding school life--classes, curfews, cafeteria times--seemed to be non-existent and were of little consequence to Gin and consequently, to Violet. It was an aspect of Gin's route that Violet was greatly appreciative of and she was glad that she didn't have to be forced to go through a trite calculus lesson in her current emotional state.

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