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Hopefully after reading this you guys will understand why I needed a few weeks to emotionally recuperate. Literally nothing happens in this chapter but A LOT of things happen in it too. I hope that makes sense  (*^^*)

And to everyone I haven't replied to in the last chapter: Thank you. I couldn't reply back because every time I read through your comments I'd cry uncontrollably. Like UGLY cry. It's so incredibly touching that strangers on the Internet would show compassion to another stranger on the Internet (me) and I just...Thank you. I want to thank everyone for your kind words and your kindness and your love. You are all the most beautiful thing about the virtual world and I'm truly, truly grateful for you guys <3

WARNING: triggering content. If you're sensitive to (implied) sexual abuse, physical abuse, suicide, and death please steer clear from this chapter. It's more important to have peace of mind and stable mental health

*requires editing!* Also, please listen to the song! It's so beautiful Q____Q

Short reprieves from the game were the equivalent of coming up for air for creatures of the land; when the IMG visor was shed and her gaming monitor was switched off, Viola felt like she could breathe again. While residual feelings and thoughts she couldn't shake off followed her to the real world, the real world gave Viola a space to rummage through her thoughts with a obfuscated clarity her virtual mentality would've distorted like a fun house mirror at a haunted carnival.

The aftershock of Jack's and James' sudden departures from the game had her emotions seesawing between a deep emptiness to an intense remorse. Her mind was a lot clearer when she dissociated from her avatar, but the memories of witnessing Jack sprawled lifeless on the ground, of meeting James' tragic blue eyes as they searched desperately for the love he'd lost, left a hole, an insatiable vacuum that stole away what little air she could covet and replaced it was a toxic fume that was slowly leeching into her brain like a virus.

When it came time for Viola to return playing Violet, Violet was, for a better word, aimless. She was struggling to find purpose as a player and she has grown distrustful of Gabriel, the deacon of authority she placed her life with. If what she suspected was true, why was Gabriel actively sabotaging her chances in clearing a clean, safe ending? Was he actually increasing her chances of clearing an ending with Gin, and thus segueing her towards a safe exit from the game? Was  the safest possible course of action through heartbreak, violence, or even the deaths of some characters?

What was Gabriel doing?

Catching Gin's reflection from the car window in their Audi, Violet stared at her driver. Surprisingly, Gin was receptive to Violet's breakdowns, a calm, non-intrusive source of comfort in a stormy sea of endless suffering and pain. He was quiet, quieter than Violet ever knew him to be, but it didn't concern her too much. She had too much to worry about already.

After "awakening" from his bed, Gin asked if they could take a drive in his car without disclosing a destination. His vague proposal--"Let's go somewhere"--didn't raise any red flags and it didn't matter to Violet if the opposite were true; it made no difference if he was taking her to paradise or the Gates of Hell. Her ability to trust people had been gravely disabled since that cataclysmic first day back at school and it did a number on her self preservation as well.

Soon, trees that fenced either side of the road they were on were beginning to thin out. Rolling snow capped fields and hills that were as smooth as sand dunes made of cocaine dominated the scene and as they drove closer to their destination, the fields began to flatten out and the untamed wilderness of the forest petered into noticeably manicured clumps of trees. It was when Violet noticed the dark stone protrusions rising from the snow that Violet figured where Gin was taking her.

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