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HAPPY HALLOWEEN Y'ALL! Have all the LOVE candies and sexy eye candy this year! .゚☆(ёё)ノ☆゚. Also, beware of the Rotting Man, that guy's #3spoopy5me

I wish I'd done something spectacular like a special SPOOPY chapter or a short story since this story can get quite SPOOPY at times; but alas, life has plans for me and those plans have DUBAI and MOTHERFUCKING JAPAN all over them (◕๑) Boo hoo me. Update news and plans will be at the end of this chapter so stay tuned!

I've made you guys wait 10 fucking days for this (٭°̧̧̧°̧̧̧٭) I am trash.

WARNING: needs serious edits. Like my time management. And life. I am trash ( 」∠)_


Forests and fields flew past Violet as she sat shotgun in a lacquered black Maserati that was speeding down a countryside road to a place Violet had never been to before despite the signs--and her driver--implying otherwise.

Winter had finally presided over the virtual landscape of the game, blanching the world colourless, stripping the foliage of their leaves, and hazing glass surfaces in needle-like ice crystals and ashen white fog. Everything was beautifully dull, either a shade of white or black or gray, and if it weren't for James' striking blue eyes, Violet would've thought they'd blend into the monochrome and become one with the depressing winter landscape.

In her seat, Violet looked and appeared the part of a calm, absent-minded teenager who was untouched by the profound dread and imminent threats to her existence that plagued her since she'd pressed that neon purple "continue" button so many months prior. But Violet wasn't a "teenager" and she wasn't okay.

Why am I still in this fucking game?

Violet--as her neurotic, anxious self usually did--was thinking about many things. She thought about the suicide pact her heart did when it disentangled itself from the other hearts--or heart--she had to relinquish for her conscience to break free from its self-inflicted torture. She thought about that RL police hearing that co-starred someone who looked remarkably similar to the CP who'd bitten a significant chunk from her shoulder and who'd cryptically urged her to endure "playing her part" lest--which she presumed would happen to her if she didn't--she'd "disappear" and then "reappear" dead and forsaken like Lillian Talvin.

Lily Talvin.

I need you to continue. I'm begging you.

Unconsciously, Violet brought her hand to the faintly throbbing shoulder Gabriel, Mr. Reinhart--whoever he was--sunk his teeth into.

That mark, that scar wasn't just on Violet's skin. It appeared on Viola's skin.

Viola couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the crescent bite mark welling pink and bruised in the same exact place as where her avatar was bitten. It should've been absolutely impossible to sustain physical wounds from wounds sustained in virtual reality. And even if it were possible--and Violet had lost plenty of sleep over the thought--why didn't the stab wound she received from Johnny appear on her physical being?

And that nod Gabriel gave her right before her step-brother whisked her away from the scene--did he bite her to prove something?

And why was it that, unlike all the other wounds her avatar received in the past, that bite mark still on her avatar when she, with all her will power, returned to LBS to continue playing her "role"?

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