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The music video accompaniment's visuals are AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <3 PERFECT representation of this book and chapter hands down 👌

I feel like such a catfish for not including certain tags for this story, but as those tags would take away from the mystery of this book I would say my decision to catfish is justified ;)

Especially for what is to come very, very soon. Don't wanna reveal any of those potential spoilers ;D


Red is such a versatile colour. In all its shades and hues, the colour could sieve through meaning like a snake, never settling on one tide of interpretation and never coiling over one pillar of truth for too long.

But if there was one thing that was certain about the colour, red was never a peaceful shade. It was the tint colouring the raging rivers of iron under the skin, the colour babies were baptized in when they were christened into the world with a slap on the ass and a piece of paper justifying their violent break into existence. It was the colour that leaked through broken flesh and the colour that drenched the earth when Death stroked its world-encompassing scythe.

Creation and destruction. The colour sat on a thin precipice between two polar extremes. Which was why, to Violet, the colour itself was a lot like love. Where did she stand in her relationships with her "lovers" in this virtual boarding school?

Infatuation or passion?

Friend or foe?

Lover or killer?

Violet stared at the florescent tubes trilling hymns above her body on the ceiling. Laying on the floor, her lower limbs weak and her back screaming, Violet was covered in blood, her head strangely serene despite the madness and crazed sex that happened a hundred heartbeats before. Lifting up her blood soaked hand to her face, Violet studied it without mediating on it.


The colour was everywhere, clinging onto her bare skin, crusting over the crevices of her body, soaking into her vision. Violet felt that long after she'd washed the blood off her body, the stain of what she'd committed would remain like all the scars that matched that stain in ardor and sentiment.

Violet dropped her hand to her side and looked to the clock on the wall next to her. A quarter to eleven. She curled her lips into her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut.

She missed the game.

"The game's over."

Violet's anger prickled her sticky skin and she turned her deathly sharp glare at the boy laying beside her on the floor. Looking over her shoulder, Violet found Gin watching her with his hand propped under his head, his eyes glinting but bearing no malice.

"You did this to get back at Jack," she said. It wasn't a question.

The boy, who too was naked and painted crimson all over, gave Violet no room for interpretation in his cold, metallic eyes. "Yes and no."

"You fucking son of a bitch," Violet seethed as she turned her head fully to Gin, "you used me--"

"Partially. But you went for it so I'm not fully to blame."

"Bite your dick off and die."

Violet went to get herself off the floor before she heard a sigh and felt an arm pull her back down to the ground.

"Let go of me!" Violet exclaimed as she clawed at the arm coiled around her waist.

"Sorry. My pride was speaking just now."

Lovers: Boarding SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now