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It's sort of scary how close I am to the end of this book! Months ago, I thought it would've taken me forever to reach this part of the story, but here I am. Here we are. Someone hold me QwQ

I was so tempted to put that BTS song in the video insert of this chapter, but it would've taken away from the drama of this chapter. Then again, what chapter of of this book isn't dramatic 7w7

This is gonna be a short but EXCITING chapter, so as always,


Max was right. I'm worse than a slut.

Standing outside of the abandoned arts ward behind a tree, Violet was waiting for her "guy on the side" to appear on the time they agreed on. Initially, Violet was going to enter the building and wait for Gin inside the art room, but Violet realized--or rather, remembered--that she wasn't technically single.

And as she stood creeping behind a tree, feeling conflicted about convening with Gin after being so emotionally distraught over Jack moments ago, Violet remembered she wasn't technically faithful either.

But Jack did say that it was okay...

Violet shook her head and hit the sides of her head with the heels of her palms. What is wrong with me?

She didn't want to admit it, but she noticed that she was always keen to run straight into the arms of whoever was willing to take her if she wasn't on good terms with whoever she was with. Coincidently, she'd agreed to meet Gin because she was upset over hurting Jack and discovering Jack's lost red scarf in James' office.

That scarf...

In the back of Violet's head, the once baseless thought of James being the true antagonist of this game was beginning to bear fruit. Jack's traumatic history with James, his very significant position within the hive, the discovery of that red scarf in his quarters and his reaction to it when she had it in her hand--the evidence was undeniable. He was the antagonist in this plot.

He raped you.

But Violet felt that something was off about this theory. James concern for her all those times she was at her lowest didn't feel forced; it didn't feel like he was expecting something out of her.

Maybe it was all an act?

Either James was a good actor or James had actual feelings for her.

Well he is a game character in a romance sim.

Leaning against the tree she had as cover, Violet let out a deep sigh. And I'm still in this fucking romance sim.

The girl would've let her brain brew longer in her guilt and paranoia if sounds coming in her direction had not interrupted the peace of the scene. Putting more effort to conceal herself, Violet peeked from behind the trunk of the tree and saw half a dozen male students march towards the arts building looking as genial and harmless as a deadly swarm of killer bees.

Violet felt her blood freeze in her veins. What are they doing here?

Following after them after they had disappeared into the building, Violet trailed behind the group a few feet away. She noticed that the group did not disperse once inside and feared the worst when she saw them heading towards Gin's hideout as a single menacing unit.

Are they here to finish their "business" with Gin?

Creeping dangerously close to the group of boys, Violet was able to see the knives and broken bottles they were carrying in their bandage-bound hands.

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