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The chapter was supposed to be titled  _follow/_animals, but I find that more brazen chapter titles attract more readers ;D

And if you haven't done so already, make sure to _follow this profile to keep up with the amazing updates and private goodies written exclusively by moi ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Kill me in my sleep.

In my opinion, this chapter isn't and won't be the scariest chapter I ever wrote, but as a word of caution: don't be reading this late at night if you want to sleep. Or maybe you can and I'm just weak sauce ɾ⚈▿⚈ɹ

I hope you enjoy this chapter without feeling the need to _follow me (unless you want to, I don't mind ;), so please go ahead and enjoy! Don't forget to tell me what you think though I need meh fix ( ❝̆ ·̫̮ ❝̆ )

See you on the other side!

Jealousy has always been the harbinger of horrible things to come. It might not always be the sole impetus for the ruination of something promising, something good, but it is always lurking by an ear or two to stir up salty falsehoods masquerading as bitter truths.

A jealous boyfriend is often more than an emotionally stunted insecure little "boy". He can swell in size and invade spaces where he's not supposed to, throw words more potently corrosive than acid, and feed insecurities until they've suffocated what little self-respect was left behind for "love". He can inflict wounds far deeper than a knife ever could and leave scars more crippling than a skin-deep cut ever should.

A jealous boy is a dangerous thing.

For jealousy can make monsters out of men.

When Violet returned to the game, the bruise blemishing her cheek had all but disappeared but the bruise to her ego had very much remained. Gin had left her with plenty of food for thought, her actions and behaviour disturbingly sociopathic when looked at under a microscope. She had always given herself allowances for saying and enacting some pretty heinous things, thinking on numerous occasions that this was "just a game", this was not "real", "I" won't be seriously "affected" by this.

But could she really blame herself?

She really was in a game, she really was interacting with fictional characters, and she really was "real" in the most literal sense of the word. Could she humanize an artificial thing that thinks its human, but isn't?

What did it mean to be human anymore?

"You're still awake?" said a husky voice by Violet's ear.

A shallow sigh left Violet's lips as she felt strong arms drawing her close to a naked, muscular chest.

A jealous boyfriend with cripplingly violent neuroses and psychopathic episodes would never be received well in real life. Abuse often follows a man with a fetish for control, and happy endings are never conceived in a relationship barren of trust.

But of course, in a world of fiction and fancy, jealousy was something to be flattered by.

To be desired.

How sickening.

"It's Friday isn't it?" Violet said, her voice drawn out and languid. She felt a soft kiss at her neck, his lips printing on her skin.

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