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Fever = time off to write = LONGEST CHAPTER IN THE BOOK SO FAR

I won't stall you guys any further (you can check out my conversations board), so please, enjoy!

WARNING: EXPLICIT stuff in the beginning in the chapter. But the rest of the chapter will be full of surprises ;) Also, this chapter has barely been edited so forgive me for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, and general shitiness.

Could a person develop nymphomania by continuously engaging in hyper realistic sexual activities with a hyper realistic virtual boyfriend with hyper realistic bed skills that could melt the tactile centers in her brain to a pink, meaty pulp?

Violet started to wonder—and worry—if her "itch" for physical affection was becoming a full-blown infection, goading her hunger for more caresses, for more kisses, for more fucks, for more Jack.

It was difficult to circumscribe how her worn-out IMG visor could simulate the rough hands sanding her skin, the firm kisses pressed to her beaten lips, and the devastating pressure tenderizing the luscious tissue between her legs. Sensory information was all processed through her brain, which meant the virtual pleasure she received through her avatar went straight to her mulled cortices thirsty for another heady shot of sugared endorphins laced with that ever-addictive spike of adrenaline.

Jack, being a character whose most definable trait was his "physical prowess", quickly discovered and memorized all of Violet's sensitive points. No longer was she the dominant, experienced director of their sexual interplay; when she was at the mercy of Jack in her conveniently exclusive dorm past curfew, Jack showed her just how experienced he was in the game of love.

Violet had to admit, Jack was a great lover in bed. She tried to find flaws in how he held her, holding him up against another skillful lover who'd weaved his way into her Hall of Worst Regrets.

But Jack wasn't one for comparisons.

Rather than rough and hungry like she'd first expected, Jack was actually quite thoughtful in handling Violet's body. In some ways, Jack matched Gin in driving Violet mad with wanton desire.

For example, Jack found great pleasure in giving head.

"S-Stop I'm almost—shit," Violet breathed, tugging at Jack's hair. Another sweep of tongue over her heavily stimulated sex caused her eyes to roll back in her head as she released another unrestrained moan.

Nearing the edge of no return, Violet yanked Jack's head up by his hair and glared at him. His eyes glowed like a wolf's, his wicked tongue licking off the wet juices dripping off the playful smirk playing on his lips.

Their night time "chilling" sessions had become as routine as brushing their teeth.

In the morning, Violet and Jack would either wake up in each other's arms or with Violet alone in her bed. If Violet wasn't lethargic from last night's dick appointment, they'd work out together in the forest. Afterwards, they'd go to class. Classes would finish for the day. Jack would then have basketball practice. After basketball practice, Jack would meet up with Violet. They would have sex. Jack would stay over or go back to his dorm. Then it would start all over again.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Some of the more quotidian scenes (the occasional class or cafeteria scenes) would be omitted, so most of the time Violet was with Jack.

Other than Fridays which were dedicated to "bro" time, Jack was constantly by Violet's side, worshiping her, spoiling her, and teasing her with his company, affection, and body.

The one time she regretted ever having done PDA with Jack was when James came across them when she and Jack were in the midst of a heavy make out session in a deserted hallway. Instead of glaring at her or disparaging the two of them for breaking school protocol, James walked past them without ever acknowledging them, or their existence.

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