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We've reached the "official" end of Lovers: Boarding School Vol. 1!

We did it guys!

We finished the book!

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Now, I bet you're wondering why I said, "we" finished the book and not "I".

Honestly, I never expected to actually finish writing this book until we actually reached the 80% mark and even then, I wasn't sure if I had it in me to complete it.

I had failed at finishing two novels, had personal and mental health issues, and my "numbers" and popularity on this site weren't impressive (they still aren't but IDGAF anymore).

A long time ago, votes and popularity on this site almost drove me away from writing altogether because I thought I wasn't any good and my worth as a storyteller showed in the lackluster numbers and interactions I got when I "first first" started WPing in 2012. 

But when I was invited to a writer's circle by a colleague of mine a year ago, I decided to try writing and WPing again because an amazing story by MyCaTalks  inspired me to dust off my laptop and just write

Even if it was pure and utter shit

And that was where "our" journey began. 

Like I said, I never thought I would finish this novel. 

I never thought that this stupid, clichéd mess of an idea would grow and blossom into something I really want to try publishing one day. 

I never thought this story would help revive my joy of writing again and my wish to become an actual author. 

Completing a novel had been a dream of mine since I was a kid--in fact,  it was the only dream I wanted to accomplish because all I ever wanted to be in my worthless, short life was a writer.

Now I've done it.

And it's all thanks to you guys. 

Thank you to the first readers who gave my book a chance when it was just starting. 

Thank you to the readers who first voted on this book when I was about to stop writing it due to lack of interest.

Thank you to the readers who first left comments on the book and showed genuine interest in its characters and its plot. 

Thank you to the readers who followed this book and supported it for as long as they did. 

Thank you to the readers who left comments that helped inspire plot lines, character arcs, and even the series' finale in their short but hilarious words of kindness. 

Thank you to the readers who left astoundingly perceptive comments that made me actually take this story and its characters seriously (because before I didn't).

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