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Thank you so much for pushing past 700 votes! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

Imma churn out more content in a few days (gotta catch up to my weekly goals) so expect some fast updates from me as thanks 💜😭


This chapter had to happen. Sorry :( But you'll understand why I had to eventually ;)

By the way, this song is a PERFECT accompaniment to this, uh, new ship! This definitely won't be anyone's favourite ship, but it'll sure be a very dramatic one (゜▽゜;)

Scratch that, they're all going to be dramatic! (o≧▽゚)o

WARNING: You know it's bad if the WARNINGs have to return. If you've read _dogs, you'll know why ⊙﹏⊙ Actually, this chapter and the next few chapters are going to be worse than _dogs so, yeah.


➡️ go to the lacrosse game

➡️ go to the basketball game

Violet stared blankly at the two glowing bars in front of her eyes as she laid stationary on her coffin-like bed in a room that seemed much bigger now that she was the sole inhabitant of its chipping lavender walls.

It was obvious which path lead to which "option", but her current state of mind wouldn't allow her to be as impulsive as when she last played dress up as an angel.

And almost died.

Surfing through her transparent, floating tablets of electric blue for the fiftieth time, Violet became transfixed on the floating two bars when they entered her vision again and bleached her eyes blue.

Mentally exhausted from weighing each option for hours, only to return back to those infuriating glowing bars like a dog chasing its tail, Violet decided to let Jesus take the wheel for once and let him have a hand at this stupid romance sim.

Letting out a huff, Violet bounced off her bed and looked through her drawers to find the thing that will save her mind from splitting into two. Once she found what she was looking for, she studied the shiny, circular thing in her hand before she flipped it into the air with a flick of her thumb.

Catching the coin with her hand, she placed the coin over the back of her other hand and muttered a small prayer.

Heads meant dealing with an emotionally erratic, possibly obsessive step-brother who had a penchant for cheating on his equally obsessive and possibly dangerous girlfriend.

Tails meant dealing with an emotionally erratic, possibly psychotic jock with a chip the size of the South American continent on his shoulder and a habit of being really petty.

There was one thing for certain in her tempestuous storm of uncertainty; she will not make the same stupid mistakes with her new "option" like she did with her previous "mistake".

Never again.

Lifting up her hand, Violet let out a small profanity, regretting for ever having brought Jesus into this.


The scene looked like it was ripped straight out of a movie.

The home team, the Amante Mortem's Demons, were down a significant number of points in the last quarter of the game. The opposing team, who were a generic, nameless mass of NPCs whose green and gold colourings clashed against the Demons' purple and black, smugly dominated possession of the ball and barely gave the Demons a chance to touch the ball with their buttery hands.

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