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So this first book officially has 69 chapters...very fitting if I do say so myself. Which means we are 52/69 chapters done with the story. WOW. I'm so close to finishing my very first book. LIKE MY FIRST LEGIT NOVEL IN MY ENTIRE LIFE HOLY SHIT I'M ALMOST AT THE PROMISE LAND. Too bad this book is too unpublishable for publishing standards :'D

I want to say sorry for making it seem that "_dance" was going to be the second last chapter of this book. I'm telling you now, we are FAR from the end.

I promised I'd make you cry in this book didn't I? 😈


"Have you been having a good night?"

Violet blinked, her daze dispersing like the sun's light cutting through a dying night sky. "What was that?"

"Have you been having a good night?"

It was minutes ago that Violet had her heart eviscerated, stomped on, battered, crippled, and maimed--twice by her own doing and once (again) by the one character that always managed to side step expectation like the expert dancer that he was. That bastard always went against her expectations, always fooled her into thinking that she could have them with him.

So no, Violet was not having a good night.

"Violet? Do you want to talk about something?"

Flinching, Violet was awoken from her daze a second time and looked to Mr. Reinhart whose face was masked by the darkness surrounding them. 

Violet might have not been in the rightest of minds when she followed Mr. Reinhart to a deserted corner of the school--hell, she could've been lead to massive sinkhole in the ground and still be half out of her wits after she fell--but she just couldn't bring herself to care about herself, about her situation, about anything. She had no more fucks to give and no longer had anyone to give fucks to.

This was karma.

"...have they done something to you?"

Violet raised her eyes to Mr. Reinhart once again, this time intending to speak out. "I'm...coping. With my choices. And no, they haven't done anything to me." Except that "truthful", lying son of a--

"I'm going to end things here," she quickly added. She didn't want to think about Jack or that Asshole anymore. It was over. They were over. She was fucking over.

"What do you mean by that?"

Violet flinched, but it wasn't because Mr. Reinhart had fished her out of a mental stupor she kept on slipping into.

"I-I'm," Violet hesitated, "I'm going to drop out. I've had enough of this."

It was difficult to see much of Mr. Reinhart 's reactions, aside from the sliver of moonlight from a faraway window outlining his profile, but she sensed that the usually smiling Reinhart wasn't smiling. And when Mr. Reinhart wasn't smiling, something had to be very wrong.

"You can't be serious?"

Smooth like a hot knife through butter. Pleasant like warm ocean waves lapping on white sand. Mr. Reinhart's voice was one of those visceral "experiences" that Violet was taken by immediately and found pleasure in immensely. It was still the same, buttery smooth auditory indulgence that it had always been--save for those times when shit got 'real' in the game--but there was something off about it this time around, like there was a concealed barb in his melted chocolate baritone voice. It alarmed her.

"Mr. Reinhart," Violet said, her courage on life support, "I'm not going to continue playing this, this game any longer. I've had enough."


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