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They hovered just outside the orbit of the small desert planet Jakku

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They hovered just outside the orbit of the small desert planet Jakku. From this high up it looked like a giant ball of sand, swirls in Calista's line of sight; distant sand storms wreaking havoc upon the poor who lived there. A deep-set sadness for the people there filled her as she stared out through the massive windows of the ship. The ship trembled below her feet, a constant feeling she was growing used to, and feeling a comfort in. While they idled over the planet, the rumble lessened, a serenity; a calm before the storm that would follow when they went down to the planet's surface. 

Kylo Ren sensed the worry inside Calista as he stood next to her. His hand twitched at his side, as though it should be doing something; a comforting hand on her shoulder, perhaps holding her, but he didn't move. Instead, he told her, "You do not have to come; I will think no less of you if you decide to remain here, close your eyes to what I do."

"If people must die for you to achieve your goals, so be it. This is the way of the galaxy, the vast expanse of the universe," she replied, turning to face him. With Jakku in her peripheral vision, she said to Kylo, "I believe in what you are trying to accomplish. War always costs."

He smiled gently, his mask beside him; he didn't like wearing it with her around, because he appreciate he could be himself with Calista. Even if he wore the mask, she'd see right through Kylo Ren and see Ben Solo. His last name was still a mystery to her, he realized. Not many knew Kylo Ren was the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo. He liked to keep it that way.

Suddenly a door opened behind them, the hiss of the mechanics disrupting the duo. General Hux walked swiftly into the overlook and glanced between Kylo and Calista. With his head high and his nose lifted like he disapproved of what he was seeing, arms crossed, General Hux said, "The Supreme Leader would like to speak with you."

"Very well," Kylo Ren said agreeably. 

"Not you, Ren." Hux uncrossed his arms and pointed at Calista. "He wishes to speak with her."

Kylo Ren glanced at Calista, a wave of worry washing over him; it was almost powerful enough to make his expression reveal it, but he had long ago learned to mask what he felt. Instead, he stood up straighter and looked General Hux in the eyes. "Did he say why?"

"I did not ask," Hux spat. 

"I will escort you there," Kylo Ren said to Calista. 

Walking down the vast ship with endless hallways, nooks and crannies that Calista knew she would never get un-lost in should she ever lose herself, she felt oddly serene. Never before had she been on a radar of this scale, to be summoned by the Supreme Leader Snoke, whose name extended through many galaxies and rang terror in the hearts of those who saw him as a threat -and those who were on his side. Yet somehow she was not afraid, so was not worried about what she would face when she was alone with Snoke.

Reaching a massive room, Kylo Ren stopped just outside the doors, turning to face Calista. He placed his hand upon her cheek and felt something twist inside him when she leaned her head into his hand instinctively. With no idea what would happen when she walked in there to face Snoke, Kylo Ren began to wonder if this would be the last time he saw her. He wouldn't stand for that, he decided. 

"I must speak with him first," he told her, then kissed her gently. 

Calista gasped as he pulled away, unsatisfied with how brief the kiss had been and feeling stirrings inside. She wanted more, so drawn to Kylo Ren, drawn to his power and the vulnerability he wore underneath the mask. 

Kylo Ren stepped into the room, and when the doors shut behind him he was greeted with a massive hologram of Snoke. 

He bent his knee in respect, "Supreme Leader."

"You are not whom I wish to speak with," Snoke replied in a booming voice.

Kylo Ren looked up, bare faced, and said, "I wish you speak with you first, if I may."

Snoke looked irritated, but waved his hand in acceptance. 

"I am well aware that General Hux has stated his thoughts on Calista, he is not to be believed; she is not a distraction to me. The Star Killer base will be complete, her presence will not hinder the success of the First Order," Kylo Ren explained. 

"You would beg for her life?" Snoke asked. "A woman you scarcely know?"

He looked up, "I would fight for her life. So I stand here to make it clear that she be by my side, and I will not stand for any harm to come to her."

"You can keep your pet," he snarled. "Send her in."

Kylo Ren bit back a retort, anger flashing in his eyes that he dare speak about Calista like that. But he rose and nodded respectfully, leaving the giant room without much comfort and very little promise that no harm would come to her. As he entered the hallway where she stood, he glanced anxiously at her, then gestured for her to go through the doors. 

They closed, leaving Kylo Ren blind to what was happening beyond them. 

Calista had to crane her neck to look at Snoke; his distorted and hideous face larger than anything she'd seen before. Knowing he was a hologram did not ease her mind, and yet she walked with confidence and stood before him.

"You do not bow?" He inquired, curious and intrigued. 

She looked him in the eyes and replied, "I refuse to kneel before men anymore. My bonds have been broken. I say this with respect, for that is all I have for you; but I will not kneel to anyone."

"I like your spark," he grinned. "Tell me more about the man whom you used to kneel before."

She eyed him, wondering how much he already knew. There was no sense in hiding it, no sense in lying about anything when he could tear her apart with his mind and figure out every last secret she held in her mind. "My brother, Naren. He took advantage of a dire situation, played his cards just right as any man well-versed in Canto Bight does."

"And yet here you stand."

"I played my cards right," she retorted. "And now I am free."

"Are you?" 

She cocked her head to the side, curious how she was not free. 

"With Naren Evon still breathing, still hunting you, his anger and hatred for you is growing, are you truly free?" 

"I have protection. I do not fear my brother."

"You will only be free when you kill him, choke the life out of him with your bare hands. Do this, Calista, plant the seed for Kylo Ren."

"For Kylo?" She asked, "I do not understand."

"Show him; he cannot be free until he severs his ties with his family."

She wanted to ask who his family was, but she didn't. It was not for her to ask, Snoke would tell her, she knew, but it was Kylo's choice to tell her, or to withhold that information. 

"Kylo Ren must kill his father, but he will not see the path until you lead him to it," Snoke informed her. "Kill your brother, and you will earn a title here. You have the potential to be great, and the power to show Kylo Ren to greatness."


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