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                Unaware of exactly where in the galaxy she was, Calista was whisked away from one ship to another

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Unaware of exactly where in the galaxy she was, Calista was whisked away from one ship to another. From Kylo Ren's small personal ship that he took to Canto Bight, to a Star Destroyer that Calista had only ever seen in books and pictures. Not once in her small existence did she imagine herself to be aboard one, walking alongside Kylo Ren, getting stared at by everyone who they happened to pass by. It was unwanted attention, for she had tear streaks down her red face, puffy, wide eyes, and she reeked of blood.

Entering a room that was by no means small, but nothing grandiose, she finally felt collected and that she could inhale a deep breath. Alone, sheltered from the view of anyone in the world except Kylo Ren, she realized that she was in his quarters on this ship.

"The shower is through that door, take all the time you need," Kylo Ren said to her, breaking the silence between them since they had shut the other door.

She glanced at him, realizing that she had absolutely nothing. She had left with nothing but the bloody clothes on her back, but she preferred this despite how badly it terrified her. Never had she left the main city on Canto Bight, she'd never even been in an air craft before. Now she had no idea where she was, she had nothing to her name, but she felt empowered. Empowered that she finally left Naren behind and gone somewhere that he could never follow.

"I must speak with someone-" Kylo Ren began.

Calista cut him off, "About my presence?"


"It will not be a problem, I hope?" She spoke as though she had not just lost her best friend. She spoke as though she had not just left her brother behind, her only family left. She spoke the way she had long ago been taught to speak to people; with authority and assertiveness. By using the choice of words she did, she made sure that there would be no problem, and it was up to Kylo Ren to ensure her safety aboard that ship, and by his side.

He nodded, "It will not, I promise you that."

When Kylo Ren had departed, Calista disappeared into the bathroom. Locking the door, she peeled off her red dress and stared at herself in the mirror before her. Her body was battered with bruises from the events that occurred over the last forty-eight hours. The redness on her cheek around the cut from Naren's glass was inflamed. Reaching up, she touched the wound and winced, then turned on the water in the shower.

The shower was small, just a capsule that she could stand up in. When the water was hot enough, she got in and watched the water turn red. Her hands and parts of her body where the blood had soaked through her gown made the water turn a pinkish red. When it finally ran clear, Calista slid down the side of the shower and let the water drown her thoughts out. The scalding hot stream was not enough to wash everything away, and after a while, she knew she simply had to live with it.

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