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                After a smooth landing, the ship's engine hum came to a standstill, and Kylo Ren rose from his seat

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                After a smooth landing, the ship's engine hum came to a standstill, and Kylo Ren rose from his seat. With swift foot falls, silent despite his bulk, he navigated to the front of the cruiser, where the hydraulic doors had already opened wide, like a gullet. He recalled what General Hux had told him, that they needed more support, more sponsors to complete their work on the Star Killer. Completion was within their grasp, and failure was certainly no option.

And so it was left in Kylo Ren's capable hands to bring more investors to the table, to get the richest of the Galaxy to fork over more credits to the First Order. Although it was clear that they would give their last dime if it was forced from them, the approach would create more enemies. Buttering the rich folk up to fork over their cash, to loosen their grip on their credits with some beverages, that was how the First Order received charitable donations without causing enemies.

That, and the Star Killer was a big threat. Should some one not invest, it might not end well for their home planet when the Star Killer base was completed, for it was inevitable, and it would be completed. Kylo Ren banished these thoughts as he entered the casino, music and the scent of bubbly drinks filled his nose. There was a wide array of perfumes and colognes that made him feel the need to sneeze, but his mask prevented it from reaching that point.

Many heads turned in his direction, but he was quickly approached by a pretty young Twi'lek woman. She held a tray of champagne, bright pink, to which she offered him.

"I'm here for Duke Caalgen," Kylo informed her of his reasons. Everyone recognized who he was with the mask, the benefit to wearing such meant that if he were to remove it, he would be a free man. Just another rich bloke wasting time and money at the casino.

"Yes, Lord Ren," the woman replied curtly. "If you'd follow me, please."

Kylo did not reply, but followed the young woman. She had bright green skin, and instead of hair, she had long head-tails protruding from the top of her head, hanging down elegantly over her back. Her outfit was a simply black gown that left little to imagination. With striking blue eyes, she was truly a beauty.

Opening a board room door, the Twi'lek woman held it for Kylo Ren. He walked through without nodding or thanking her, for to do so would be unlike him, unlike those who supported and were the First Order. She was below him, and she did not expect such gratuity either way. She shut the door and was gone from sight, and Kylo Ren was quickly approached by a stout man, fat in the belly from all the fine wines and rich foods he had an endless supply of here.

"Kylo Ren, a pleasure to see you again! I hope Canto Bight is treating you as well as you deserve!" The man held out his hand for Kylo to shake.

Reluctantly, he took the man's grip, who began shaking their hands like it was a martini. Kylo gripped tightly, making the Duke relent and pull back. He flexed his hand afterwards, and made some comment about Kylo's firm grip being admirable.

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