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                The week went by, the planet kept turning, the wars still raged throughout the galaxy, and for Calista, everything went back to normal

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The week went by, the planet kept turning, the wars still raged throughout the galaxy, and for Calista, everything went back to normal. Days came and went, and Calista was back into her routine, forcing thoughts of Ben into the back of her mind. Compartmentalizing was a very important skill for someone like her; the things she heard the First Order supporters speak of were not for her to repeat, she was nothing more than the dirt on their boots. She was there for one reason, and one reason only, to offer them a release that they needed.

Seated next to a plump but young man, clearly he had overindulged and had no intentions slowing down, Calista crossed her legs in her seat. They were watching a dance, and they had first row seats. The Twi'lek woman twisted and contorted, danced and offered the crowd forlorn yet seductive looks. Calista could see people adding credits to her account, like they were bidding on her, but she would not be bought, just paid.

The man beside Calista slid his arm over her bare thigh, and she glanced up at him, smiling pleasantly but wishing nonetheless that he was someone else. Leaning back in her seat, which was a soft leather and was sleek against her bare skin on her back and shoulders, Calista watched the woman dance so eloquently, so flawless in her movements. She knew that she had been taught and trained since the day she could walk, she was born and raised to be exactly where she stood. Just as Caslita had her destiny set out for her as well.

The dance came to an end, the stage blackened and everyone in the room was completely dark for a brief moment. The music faded out, and then the applause followed. It was not a standing ovation with abrasive clapping, the rich did not applaud like that. When the applause came to an end at the right time, the man rose then  reached his hand down to Calista, and she took it, allowing him to assist her to her feet.

Exiting the private and exclusive seating, the fresh air was welcomed by all. Crowds and lighting filled Calista's senses, and she found herself overwhelmed for just a moment. The limelight faded, and she knew where she was heading next. The man did too, and he guided her towards the big elevator that would hold over fifteen people comfortably.

He was kind to her, and did not feel the need to be too forward; she had that effect on people. "Shall we get a drink at the bar first?"

"Whatever you would like," she replied, a purr to her voice.

"A drink it is," he pushed the floor for the bar and casino.

The casino floor was where the cheering came into play, laughter and enjoyment filled the space as Calista and her client made their way to the bar. She let him order whatever he wanted for her, and found herself surprised when the drink before her was exactly what she had been craving. A sour martini with a bright red berry placed within the glass with a clear skewer.

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