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"Tell me," Kylo Ren began in a soft tone

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"Tell me," Kylo Ren began in a soft tone. A tone that Calista hadn't heard in a while now, even though she had only know Kylo Ren for a short time. It was a tone of voice that reminded her of Ben, the person she met back on Canto Bight. Since leave Canto Bight, Kylo Ren had faced trouble after trouble, and it was seeping into his tone, seeping into his movements. His anger guided him, but he put it in check as they flew back to the Star Killer Base. "Do you feel relieved?"

"Yes," she replied. 

And in truth, she did. While her encouragement to kill Naren had come from none other than Snoke, it did indeed make her feel better. The Supreme Leader knew how to coerce people do to what they might never have considered. Now that Calista had a taste of that power, power to take back that which was hers, she wanted more. It was Snoke's intent, Calista was sure of it. 

And now she understood exactly why Kylo Ren needed to sever ties with his father; she understood her role. She was to encourage him to make that cut, but then she wondered, what use would Snoke have of her after that? Once it was done, she knew she would become nothing more than a distraction. Naren was right, Calista knew it and it tasted foul on her tongue, in the back of her mouth. 

"You have nothing more to say on the matter?" Kylo Ren asked her. Then he turned to face her, his gloved hand reaching up as he placed it on her blood-stained cheek. Even covered in gore, she was the most beautiful women he ever laid eyes on. "Something troubles you, do not try to deny it."

She glanced up into his eyes, losing herself in them. She knew she could be honest with Kylo Ren, she knew that being honest might be the only thing that could secure her position here, but she couldn't tell him about Snoke yet. She did not want to burden him with worries about her safety, not when he was already struggling to accomplish his goals. He needed the map, and he needed to kill his father. Only after that would Calista express her concern of her well being. 

She leaned into his hand, "Internal conflict arises as you commit murder."

"Was it murder? Or a mercy killing?" he pressed. 

She smiled, "Perhaps both. I feel relieved, yes, yet disconnected. Is that how I am supposed to feel? That despite killing Naren I do not feel... I do not feel much of anything."

"A mere coping mechanism."

"Is that how you felt, when you first killed?" she inquired. She was curious of his past, what brought him over to the Dark Side, when he was clearly raised by those on the opposite team.

Funny, how the entire universe could be split into light and dark, good and bad. Was Calista evil for killing Naren, or had she done the right thing in ending his reign, freeing herself from a man no better than a tyrannical ruler of women? Was she somewhere in the middle of good and bad? Light and dark? There was a balance, but had she shifted to one side, or simply remained in the middle? 

"I felt nothing," Kylo Red admitted. 

She wondered if he was lying, but could not decipher his inner thoughts through his eyes. She decided to accept what he told her as the truth, and leaned into his hand. She turned so that her lips could kiss his palm.

"Promise me I will be safe here," she whispered.

"You will," he said sternly, as if angry she even doubted he could keep her safe. Then he softened, "I promise, Calista, no harm will come to you."

Back at the Star Killer Base, Kylo Ren was informed that the map, the girl and the droid had been found on Takodana, a lush, green planet. Though he didn't trust General Hux, Kylo Ren approached him with a sternness. "I have a request of you."

"What is it?" Hux replied with a snarky tone.

"I feel I may soon be betrayed, and I must admit having Calista here has made me vulnerable. I am trusting you to ensure her safety; should she have a hair on her head touched while I am away, it will be you who pays the price, Hux."

"Why me?" Hux asked. "I am just as busy as you, with your folly to find this map, to find Skywalker. It's pathetic. And now you fear for the life of one woman?"

"You do understand what I can do to you, do you not?" Kylo stepped closer to him, towering over the General. 

"Yes, sir." 

When Kylo Ren disembarked from the Star Killer Base once more, he left Calista in the hands of Hux. But Hux went straight to Snoke to express his thoughts. The hologram showed up, massive and overpowering, threatening and menacing. Hux was used to it, used to seeing Snoke tower over like that, and yet every time it still made him feel so small, reminded him of his mortality, how he was an insignificant bug against the Supreme Leader. 

"What is worthy enough that you would disturb me?" Snoke asked.

"Supreme Leader, I grow weary of Kylo Ren's foolish obsession with the woman," Hux admitted. "Alas, it is my life on the line should she be harmed."

"Her job is not done yet," Snoke told him. "In time, she was become expendable, but for now she must remain alive. Until Han Solo is dead, the whore from Canto Bight must remain so as well."

"And after?"

"The way to break Kylo Ren will be her death; it must appear accidental, with no fault on anyone. Do you understand?" Snoke asked. 

"Yes, Supreme Leader, I understand completely."

Eh, comment your thoughts! Only two chapters left, plus an epilogue

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Eh, comment your thoughts! Only two chapters left, plus an epilogue. What do you think will happen? 

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