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Calista walked down the halls, surprised that she was able to find her way back to where Kylo Ren was waiting for her

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Calista walked down the halls, surprised that she was able to find her way back to where Kylo Ren was waiting for her. He bore his mask, but removed it when he saw her coming down the hallway. She smiled at him, although she had a bitter taste upon her tongue upon leaving the summons of Snoke. Of course in the back of her mind, Calista had always wanted Naren dead - but he was the last of her family. 

She thought about killing him with a blaster, but that would be too quick and painless a death. It would be effective, there was no doubt about that -she had just seen her best friend killed in such a manner, and it still hung heavy on her heart like hooks sinking in, dragging her down under the water. Recalling how Kylo Ren had been torturing him by using the force, it brought a swell of elation to her chest, but Naren was hers to kill, not Kylo Ren's.

With the possibility of being free without him continued to swirl around in her mind, she pushed it to the back of her mind so that she could focus on the task before her. One thing at a time, she decided. They had somewhere to be, and Kylo Ren was waiting for her. She smiled at him, making sure that he couldn't read anything upon her expression, though she had a feeling he could sense things more than other people. He was intuitive, to say the least.

"What did he have to say?" Kylo Ren asked, though he knew Snoke had probably sworn her to secrecy.

"He likes my 'spark'," she told him with a grin. "Otherwise it was to stay out of everyone's way, to not be any sort of distraction, which I certainly don't plan on being. I've been a distraction for men and women for years, it's time that I am something more."

He smiled, satisfied with her answer. "Then let us do something more."

"Jakku?" She asked, falling in stride with him as he began to walk somewhere new to Calista. She had always been an easy going person, one who would do anything without question, and yet also maintained a control over her own person and life. To a certain point, of course. 

"I'd like you to be there, yes."

Within half an hour they were on a ship descending onto the desert planet. They entered the atmosphere and landed on the surface in no time at all. The scouts -the Storm Troopers- were already scouring the planets surface for the information they needed, killing anyone they needed to get it.  Kylo Ren stepped down the ramp and Calista followed a few steps behind. While Kylo Ren carried on through the dark night towards where an elderly man stood, Calista stopped in line with the groupings of Storm Troopers. 

She listened as Kylo Ren spoke.

"Look how old you've become," he said to the man. Calista didn't know his name, had no idea who he was. It didn't matter to her, though. Not now.

"Something far worse has happened to you," the man told Kylo. 

"You know what I've come for," Kylo Ren replied. 

"I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."

Calista looked up when the man said that, wondering who Kylo Ren was, thinking now of the family he had to sever himself from. Snoke's commands to her, to ensure he killed his family, cut off all ties. Ties to what, she wondered. 

Kylo Ren ignored him, then commanded "The map to Skywalker. We know you've found it, and now you're going to give it to the First Order."

"The First Order rose from the dark side... you did not."

"I'll show you the dark side," Kylo Ren replied sourly. 

The man was unfazed. "You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your family."

Kylo Ren ignited his saber, bright red and buzzing so loud that Calista could hear it from where she stood, well away from the event unfolding before her. The brilliant red was exciting, bringing forth a darkness inside of her own self. She wanted to watch Kylo Ren use it, even though she did not know if this man deserved it, she wanted to witness the true darkness in Kylo Ren. If what the man was saying about Kylo Ren's family being light -good- this would prove that he was different from who raised him. Just as Calista was different from Naren. 

"You're so right," Kylo replied with a quirky tone to his voice, determined and mocking. Then he used his saber on the man, slicing him without hesitation, showing his darkness to Calista, and to everyone else who was there to witness it.

A young man darted from the side, screaming in protest and firing a blaster shot at Kylo Ren. Calista went to cry out to warn him, but the blast stopped mid-air when Kylo Ren raised his arm effortlessly. Two Storm Troopers went to the man who fired the gun and brought him to Kylo Ren, forcing him to kneel before him.

Calista grinned, feeling a euphoric twist in her stomach as she witnessed this brute display of power. She wanted it, she wanted this kind of power. 

"So who talks first? You talk first?" The man asked. 

"The old man gave it to you," Kylo Ren said as he realized it. 

The man frowned, "It's just very hard to understand with all the-"

"Search him" Kylo Ren cut him off.

"Apparatus..." he finished as he was roughly being searched. His eyes moved to his surroundings until he spotted Calista, cocking his head to the side and wondering where she fit in with all this. He never got an answer. 

"Nothing, sir," 

"Put him on board," Kylo Ren commanded. He had what he needed, or would shortly. 

A Storm Trooper in silver walked up to Kylo Ren, glancing once at Calista. Calista couldn't see her expression, but she felt as though the Trooper Leader was judging her for being there, useless and nothing more than eye candy. 

"Kill them all," Kylo Ren said simply, then turned around. The blast that was stopped in mid-air was released from its force hold and created a large explosion. Kylo Ren walked back to where the ship sat and Calista stood. Though he was wearing his mask, he was staring right at her and wondering if she would leave now -now that she had really seen just a glimpse of what he was capable of doing. 

He slaughtered an entire village for no reason other than to show he could. She wanted to see what he was capable of, and he showed her. 

"Tell me," he said as they boarded the ship, "will you still stay?"

"More now than ever," she replied, the ship door closing behind them. "I'm safest here, by your side."

He didn't remove his mask, a dark aura surrounding him preventing him from being the Ben Calista had grown to care for. He was through and through Kylo Ren in that moment, and Calista was wondering which version of him she preferred, and was leaning towards Kylo Ren. That darkness inside of him was exciting, thrilling, it made her head dizzy and it made her want to crawl onto his lap and do everything he asked of her. 

Kylo Ren turned his head to look at her, feeling the emotions that she was giving off. 

She smirked, deviously. 

So so sorry for the month long delay! Two other stories consumed me and I had to write them and get them out of my head! Hoping delays won't be as long, but keep in mind I'm still not going anywhere! I WILL finish this story XO

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So so sorry for the month long delay! Two other stories consumed me and I had to write them and get them out of my head! Hoping delays won't be as long, but keep in mind I'm still not going anywhere! I WILL finish this story XO

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