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It was the chill that forced her back inside, a cold that crept up as the sun began to disappear -not hiding away for the night, but truly being sucked into the star killer; the sun would never rise on this planet ever again

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It was the chill that forced her back inside, a cold that crept up as the sun began to disappear -not hiding away for the night, but truly being sucked into the star killer; the sun would never rise on this planet ever again. She took her time walking back to the warmth that was beckoning her back. Hands extended out, she touched the bark of the trees, looking up through the canopy as the sun faded and the sky darkened. It was a cold world they lived in, Calista learned that a long time ago.

As she made it inside the base, alarms were blaring, Storm Troopers were racing through the halls and more than once Calista had to press herself against the wall to not be plowed down. They were searching, searching for someone. 

Calista didn't need to know who, she had a suspicion, but that was all. 

As she went deeper in the building, she began to have a bad feeling, that something was about to go wrong. Curious, she grabbed the arm of a Storm Trooper rushing by and she asked, "What is going on?"

But the Trooper simply shrugged her off and rushed back into the ranks. Calista watched him disappear down the halls, no answers to ease her mind. 

Suddenly a shake to the base made Calista lose her balance. There was no doubt that an explosion had occurred, and the continual shaking suggested it was not done yet. Her heart hammered in her chest as she got back to her feet, using the walls to support herself and keep her balance steady. Overhearing shouts of an evacuation, Calista realized she needed to get out of the base, and maybe even off the planet. 

But she didn't know how. 

"Where are you?" She asked quietly, wondering where Kylo Ren was. But Calista was resourceful, and she would make it off this planet alive. Following the footsteps of other scurrying people, Calista kept a sharp eye on her surroundings. People plowed past her with no regard to who she was, but she managed to stay upright, she managed to stay in line with the others who were scrambling to get off the planet. 

Suddenly her hand was grabbed and she turned, hoping against hope that it was Kylo Ren, but she was faced with General Hux. Her eyes narrowed, a sense of distrust spreading over her, and she swallowed nervously. 

"You must come with me," he told her. 

"I need to get off this planet," she retorted. 

"Kylo Ren is hurt, if you want him to live, you must come with me," he explained, his voice fast-paced, urgent. He tugged and her but she pulled back.

"Why should I believe you?" she inquired. "I can see the look in your eyes, you despise him, you dislike me just as much, if not more."

Hux sighed, desperate to get her away from the base that was now imploding. "Whom I dislike or not is not the concern. What matters is that Kylo Ren is fighting a battle he won't win; the planet will blow before he succeeds. He is out there right now, wounded."

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