Adopted by...Vampires(1D)

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I'm not going to lie when I say I do not like this book. I wrote this book when I was 11-13 and I am now 16 and my writing has improved drastically. The only reason I have kept these books up is because so many people seem to enjoy them so don't let me stop you from reading them. Just know this is not my full potential writing. This was when I was still learning to write and discovering my style. If you want a better example of my writing please check out some of my other books. (None out yet. They will be released soon.)

*Aaliyah's POV*

"Aaliyah,you're being adopted, pack your things and come downstairs," Ms. Carper, the center's owner, says through a small intercom by the door. I smile to myself, not believing what I heard. I grab the small bag out of my closet and put my little amount of clothes inside with a couple other things.

I throw my bag over my shoulder and look at the small room for the last time, hopefully. I walk down the stairs slowly, now getting nervous about my new family. I freeze as I get to the last step, seeing five familiar faces. One Direction.

Louis steps up smiling,"you're Aaliyah?"

I nod and look at each boy, stopping on Niall. Our eyes meet and his eyes flash from crystal blue to red before blue again. All the boys seem to freeze as they watch Niall and I, mostly to me as if they were looking for some kind of reaction.

Louis grabs my arm gently and starts towards the door,"let's go home."

In the car -limo-  I'm between Liam and Louis, Niall is across from him and Harry and Zayn's on either side of him. I look at him, thinking about what happened in the adoption center, when he looks up and catches my gaze. I give him a small smile and look down at my hands, feeling slightly embarrassed at the fact he caught me staring.

The rest of the car ride was silent, not a word or noise was made. When we get to their house -mansion- we get out of the car as I stare in awe.

The inside of the house is more beautiful than the outside, everything looking very expensive. Louis leads me up the stairs and shows me to my room.

He opens the door to reveal the most beautiful room I've ever seen. The walls are a deep purple, the bed sheets black, and most decorations black. There's two doors, one open revealing a bathroom and the other closed. I walk towards it but an arm stops me. I look up to see Louis,"that leads to Niall's room and he not really feeling himself, so don't go in there."

I nod and Louis tells me dinner will be soon before leaving me alone in my new bedroom. I sit on the bed, but instead it feels like I sit in a cloud. I hear a door slam from Niall's room,making me jump, and some mumbles that I can't quite understand. Quietly I move to sit beside the door, pressing my ear to the door. The mumbling stops and silence fills the room.

"Why are you listening?" An Irish accent says through the door and I gasp, moving back from it. I stare confused on how he knew I was listening before moving back and answering him,sort of.

"I'm sorry."


Hey guys! Sorry it's so short! I wrote it on my IPod so I didn't know how long it really was!

So did you like this chapter?

xx -C




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