Chapter 9

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*Aaliyah's POV*

I wake up in the morning- well,morning for me,which was really noon. I get up and change into a batman t-shirt,a pair of black shorts,black converse,and a gray beanie. (Outfit above minus the glasses) I walk into bathroom and brush my hair. I check myself in the mirror before walking downstairs to be welcomed by the smell of waffles.

I walk into the kitchen and all eyes land on me. I look down and sit at an empty seat next to Niall,who smiles at me when I sit down. I return the smile and only look away when somebody sets a plate of waffles in front of me. I don't look to see who out them there,but I mumble a quick thanks.

I eat one and a half of my four waffles,still not too hungry from the cheeseburger I ate this morning,"is that all your going to eat?" Liam asks from the other side of me that Niall isn't sitting at,worry clear in his voice. I nod,"why? Aren't you more hungry that? I know you explained the other day but-"

"I took her to McDonalds this morning." Niall says cutting off Liam.

"This morning? What time? I didn't hear you leave." Harry says from across the room with confusion written across his face.

"About five" Niall says not looking at Harry.

"Why so early?"

"Because Aaliyah hadn't had a cheeseburger since she was six."

All the boys looked at me shocked,except for Louis and Niall,"how did you survive?" Harry asks breaking the silence.

I shrug,"I was so used to having bland and school food I guess I just forgot what it tasted like."

"How do you forget that? And how did you survive not having any flavor in your life? No cake,cookie,ice cream,anything!"

"My life has been like my food. Horrible."

"That's not the point. The point is how did you go on with no flavor? Didn't you get bored of not having any taste in your food?"

"Yes,I did,now would you please stop asking me frickin questions about my tasteless food?!" I snap and Harry looks shocked. I didn't want to be asked about my past anymore. It's an emotional subject for me.

Then I realized what I had just done. I just snapped at a vampire. My eyes widen and I look at Harry,"I-I'm sorry,I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine Aaliyah,I don't care." Harry cuts me off and smiles.

I sigh and stand up,"I'm going to my room." I mumble as I walk out of the kitchen. I go upstairs and to my room,plopping down on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I still had fear coursing through me and I wish I could stop being afraid of everything. The boys choose to adopt me and weren't going to hurt,but they might if-no,stop Aaliyah. They haven't hurt you yet so they aren't going to. Right?

*Harry's POV*

I stood there shocked with the others as she walks out of the kitchen door. We hear her footsteps going up the steps and a door close before any of us say anything.

"She seemed so...afraid," Louis said frowning at the doorway his adopted daughter just went through. We all nod in a agreement and look at Niall.

"She thought you were going to hurt her for snapping at you." He sighs,hating that he has to tell Aaliyah's thoughts. He has always hated reading people minds,he thinks he's 'invading in people's privacy'.

"I'm going to go talk to her." I say and walk out of the kitchen before anyone could say anything. I walk up the stairs and to Aaliyah's door,knocking twice. No answer. I knock again and still no answer.

I twist the door knob and see Aaliyah laying on her back on her bed,staring at the ceiling,deep in thought. I walk over to her bed and sit on the side of it and that's when she sees me. Her eyes widen as they meet mine and she instantly sits up,"p-please don't hurt me." She barely whispers.

I look at her,"I'm not going to hurt you,I just want you to know me or the other boys won't hurt you. No matter what you did."

She looks at me suspiciously until I take her small hand in my cold ones,"please trust us," I say looking into her blue eyes. She thinks about it a minute and I really wish I had Niall's gift to know what she's thinking about.

"Okay," she breaths,"I won't be afraid,but you have to earn my trust." I smile and nod. This is our chance. We will get Aaliyah to trust us.


Hi my gummy bears! What? I love gummy bears,so you will be my gummy bears.

Buuuuuuut....I got 330 reads!! I don't know if I put 300 in the last chapter but if I did,I'm sorry,I'm just really excited. I never thought I would get that many reads!

If you actually read these comment 'marshmallow'

Thanks for reading!

xx -C




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